
Yeah, cause only illegal aliens commit hit and runs. No one else. Physically impossible for that to happen. Might want to bring some hard data to the table before you make claims like that...

Love the review as usual, but sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in the world who likes cars like this specifically because they're anonymous. I want 300+ hp in an unassuming package. The fact that nobody knows I can blow by them in my boring little sedan is the whole allure of buying something like this. Hell,

The Toyota Camry Behr Paint Beige edition.

And a male hair replacement place. Free gold chains with purchase.

Carjackings in South Africa are surprisingly common, by American standards, to the point that security company ADT's local website offers helpful hints and tips on what to do when you are carjacked.


I don't hate rear-view cameras, but I do hate having a screen in the dashboard instead of conventional controls. Let's hope these new backup cameras will put the screen in the rear-view mirror and don't end up mandating awful touch screens in everything.

Good luck to the unfortunate soul who is forced to sit in the middle seat while the driver alternately gropes and smashes his or her legs while trying to run through the gears.

Cannot unsee.

9.) Mazda 5

Until authorities (and reporters who sometimes simplify it when it's closer to correct originally) adopt the phrase "excessive speed was a contributory factor which ultimately led to this unfortunate event", you're just going to have to either read it as such, or keep railing against this point.

Would you prefer it

Why do I have the suspicion that the Camaro driver thought that he just proved what a great driver he was?

Anyone voting for the Protege needs to rethink their lives.

Stay in the vehicle. Might be tempted to get out and inspect damage or flee the road, but subsequent crashes could push cars near you around, and your squishy body is no match for two to four tons of steel no matter how many pedestrian impact regulations are passed.

A pileup is a horrible thing, but the real danger often doesn't start when you hit the car in front of you, but after. Conditions could still be terrible, and you're stuck, stationary, in the middle of a highway. It's one of the most dangerous places to be in the automotive world.

These stupid tacked on port holes...

While I agree with the principle, who will pay for these lanes? Also the cars would need to inform the "driver" at the end of the lanes - "hey you gotta drive now." I also wonder how a driverless car would do in the snow.

I think this is what you meant...

Sure, why not? The grills are already the right size.