
In 10th grade, I was bequeathed a 1990 Chevy Astro Van LT. Blue on Blue with Blue wheels. Pimp. In drivers ed, we watch a crash video of my particular van. It bends upwards violently right at the B pillar and we can all assume what happens to the driver and the steering wheel nearly touches the seat in the video.

Huh. Who knew the Prius Lady could ride a bike?

Wait, were you there? No?

Add to the cost of windshield/airbag replacement the price of steam cleaning the driver's seat.

As an owner of a 97 Civic , I now know that I must avoid pieces of Plow on the road.
the more you know

Thought of this.

Who gives a shit?

I've got no problem with the TOYOTA Sans Serif since it graced the grille of the FJ62, But the Sombrero Bean is awful. The TEQ logo is really great, though...

I like the Crossfires looks. Never driven one though.
But RWD and at least 215hp how bad can it be?

Resist the urge. Do NOT play drums.


I quite like the new TLX, my problem with it has always been that its a transversely mounted FWD based sedan is not a drivers car when pushed to the limits. Which is the primary reason I got a 07 G35X vs a 07 TL Type-S. Now the new one with SH-AWD might be ok handling wise but I didn't like the looks. I have always

What Photoshop says it looks like:

What is it with the chrome, Big Three? Tone that shit down. Cheeesy.

man people are just looking for SOME kind of excuse.

Because it's a piece of shit? They took a great platform, loaded it down with batteries, and gave it fuel economy that wasn't even really worth the extra hassle. That's why everyone hates the CRZ. Had Honda done the smart thing, and dropped out the Hybrid paper weight, and maybe made an Si version with the KA24DE....

I was, Mr. Bono. Now take your sunglasses off, they're creeping everyone out.

I don't know what's with all the speculation about the cause and the denial of racing. Fluid leak theory supported by a fire in the front of the car? Five to six minutes is not enough time to be racing? Maybe they were shot by the second gunman on the grassy knoll. The car hit four trees and a light pole and was