
The Z80 processor was also used in the Tandy TRS-80 (sold by radio shack), which is the computer I learned BASIC programming on, in the 7th grade.

Speaking of which, shouldn’t they leave the pieces in place for future rich tourists to gawk at, just like the Titanic itself?

The oval headlights were weird to me at first but I have grown to love them. I just like that they didn’t go with the agro designs like most truck manufacturers.

We can fly little remote helicopters on Mars, but we can’t keep the Texas power grid up. That’s because scientists run the Mars missions, and Republicans run Texas...

But Texas told us during the cold snap that the grid was fine against -hot- weather and it was all those frozen birds cannoning into windmills that brought down the power...

Is R2 Supercharger Compatible?

The article could use some more details.

“ovich” is patronymic in Russian, so translated, it’d be Vladimir, son of Vladimir then a last name. It’d be like if the west did our patronymic surnames as middle names like John Johnson Smith or whatever.


I also hate the overbite, but it’s because of the aftermarket front bumper, not the hood. the rear bumper is also aftermarket. Both are considerably uglier than the stock pieces.

I was just about to call you an idiot, but a quick search taught me that there is an American series called FUBAR. I only know the Canadian indie film of the same name. If you like low budget Canadian mocumentaries, I highly recommend FUBAR the movie.

At this point, it’s not an act. I was a fan in the beginning. He’s Irish, his fight style was flashy, he was entertaining on the mic, etc. BUT, he quickly became the darling of the UFC and was instantly given royalty status by Dana who really pushed him to be as big of a brash asshole as possible and rewarded him

The bizarre thing is he keeps getting the benefit of the doubt and his denials keep being believed... despite the fact more and more keep popping up.

Yeah that’s the norm down here in don’t-tell-ME-what-to-do 😡 Florida. The same folks riding on two wheels sans helmet. To give an extreme example, I work on a military base and helmets are mandatory. Getting off base one day, I saw a Harley rider pull over into a holding lot specifically to take his helmet off and

So, based on the video I saw, there are very clear rules about this:

Are you smashing your controllers against the wall? ;) Haha. I’ve personally never had issues, just the odd replacement of a joystick or trigger here and there (which is easy). I’ve used my friends’ Elite controllers and found them too heavy and clunky feeling.

RetroGamer: a monthly magazine to which I subscribe. There was a nice article about Super Mario Land in that particular one which I was reading earlier tonight (I’m a bit behind as they stacked up during the pandemic). Yeah, I quite like playing and reading about older games. I find it enjoyable. Call it nostalgia,

It’s funny seeing how MMO’s came with mandatory online subscriptions to access them, but have largely abandoned them over the years with most either offering them as an option or not at all.