
From some of the most Tims dense locations in Toronto, this is enough distance to shoot from a Tim Horton’s, pass through another Tim Horton’s, and hit a target in a third, enemy occupied Tim Horton’s.

You think JTF2 is secretive? You’ve never even heard of JTF1 have you?

So something like this?

Wait, isn’t this guy Attorney General of the United States? Even if he’s convicted, it’s not justice. He’ll die in a few years anyway, and that innocent 27 year old had decades ahead of him.

Can we just play through this Presidency?

Y’all telling me that the jury saw this video TOO and still acquitted Yanez and didn’t charge any other cops?

That picture was captured immediately after he was told that he was cast because they were looking for a Sean Bean type.

Yeah, whoever edited that pic should really start looking for a new job in another field.

What is Georgia thinking???

I agree. She’s been ‘shopped into the uncanny valley.

Trump is an old man suffering the effects of dementia while trying to deal with the overwhelming stress of a job he is grossly unqualified for and secretly never wanted. I don’t think a video was needed for that.

I said this the other day: I don’t get why “he’s a doddering old man” isn’t discussed more.

If you can’t control your emotions, you shouldn’t have a gun. This should apply even moreso when you’re supposed to be “Protecting” and “Serving.”

Also, if your ranks are so jumpy and fragile, quit asking them to stop people for minor infractions like broken tail-lights or not signalling on a turn. I mean, if i was a shit-scared-for-my-life-at-every-interaction cop, why would I risk death for such minor shit? If you are afraid of every civilian’s shadow - don’t

She looks CG more then “really tan.”

If they were shooting some sort of documentary on them, it’s reasonable to expect good mic’ing inside the car and a lot of angles.