He was born before space travel was a real thing and within his end years he got to be part of it, I can see why he was so overcome with emotion by the whole experience. He stared out the window at the planet and just absorbed every second he could.
Actual porn stars be like “Wut?!”
22? Yeesh.
I interpreted that as the cost of living in Alberta outweighs any cost advantage of a new vehicle in Canada...
It’s pretty bad for him being arrested for that kind of shit at that age.
He gonna put “Donda” on a basketball and sell it for $120?
“It is causing irreparable harm to the Bank Account of AMERICA’S FAVORITE PRESIDENT. Who has shown to be, in addition to being proven COMPLETELY INNOCENT, in the top 10, if not the top 5 ever on such a list of beautiful wealth.”
It’s a Lada. There ain’t no Liberty there.
Check-a Check-a, Slim Shady.
He can meet his new cellmate, Rat Albert.
It’s been long enough. He should be releasing a retro “Fresh Prince” inspired clothing line, kids are down with it.
It really is a sad period in automotive history.
Don Jr.
Hell, I grew up in the 90s and I remember my dad constantly holding his belt down to his lap when we were driving out of a parking lot or through a drive-thru, just to be sure no one was looking/no cop was around at slow speed, and then just letting it go back to the door for the rest of the drive.
“If my cousin’s best friend had been wearing a seatbelt when the Nazi’s came for him, he never would’ve made it out in time.”
Man, if my mom threw out all of my lego sitting in the basement... she’d be building her own grave.
I mean... that’s steam for ya. Leave it sitting too long and it’ll just disappear and float away into nothingness.