Pokemon As Labour World?
Pokemon As Labour World?
Take a long cruise off a short pier.
Gimme those wheels.
They want to pad some egos, without padding the infirmary.
What year is this...?
Gotta catch ‘em all.
My dad lost his license to impaired driving when I was young, he didn’t let that stop him so he drove for years using the smoky plastic over fake insurance trick at the top... ah memories.
Cut out part of your spine and prop up a tissue with some toothpicks.
Silt Strider rider’s body divider.
Helps you center yourself on a long ride.
Unleaded fuel only, before you run out of time!
You gonna be one Scom Titted mothafucka.
That’s uhh... a seahorse screwing a leprous stick figure.
I could just picture that with “AC broken” in the listing and having a good chuckle.
Make sure it still fits in the parking garage afterwards.
They'll get Virgin's space plane up and running.
It was a real breeze.
All Vapor is his new hydrogen vehicle company.