
Helps you center yourself on a long ride.

Unleaded fuel only, before you run out of time!

You gonna be one Scom Titted mothafucka.


Why does she look like so much like Trump, only with less makeup?

He's busy wearing them.

That’s uhh... a seahorse screwing a leprous stick figure.

I could just picture that with “AC broken” in the listing and having a good chuckle.

It looks like they took a bunch of the tech from their ventilator design and crammed it into their vacuum.

Can’t say they’ve got me jumping for joy.

Make sure it still fits in the parking garage afterwards.

They'll get Virgin's space plane up and running.

It was a real breeze.

“Sony" stereo you say?

All Vapor is his new hydrogen vehicle company.

Just import it from Canada.

It was a gift from aliens to show us how our planet worked.

Is fruit punch without sugar a fruit dive?

It looks pretty standard until you get up front and realize it's actually a Decepticon.