
This is tragic level truth, and it hurts. 

All the stars to the female Freeman.

Right here, this cat is a blink away from going full-on ninja shitstorm.

Who decided it was a bandage? it’s the exact same coloring as the inside of it’s ears...could be fur/skin color?

nice stuff

Hurk is synonymous with Far Cry, which is synonymous with overdone. The whole series needs a reboot. We’re playing a re-skin of FC3 every year, because....why?


Russian...Strong....LIKE BEAR!! Crit immersion +50

sheesh...even the mechs are wearing high heels

This sound pretty fun, albeit familiar and stupid, but one thing just grates at me....fictional though it may be, 17 years is not remotely enough time for any sort of evolutionary mutation to take place. This should have been set way in the future, just to have absolute fun with it. They already went all out with the

This needs a Chadarnook follow up. 

I imagine that it is not healthy to harbor so much hostility for a media experience such as video game or film, but this game does that for me. 

*slow clap*

Best thing you’ve ever written

Hahaha...it does look like a room made for a legion of heartless.

Coincidentally, her seemingly plastic fingers in that photo look like the fish on a shichirin. Also, who tattoos their palm? Not judging...but.......hrmmm.  

The room that shows you using the blizzard spell to grind on, has a very FFXV platinum demo feel. I can’t help but feel like that whole demo, in retrospect, was an early test for KHIII. 

There is. From what I have learned from companies that do this, the plan is to sell as many pre-orders as possible to boost their quarterly earnings. I don’t know what the specific pre-order for this unit cost, but say it’s $10 which they refund, along with $25 you have to spend in their store. It’s a business win win

I want to say something like “Im sorry for your loss” but that sounds so incredibly cheesy. I can sympathize though. I had a similar experience with a bow and arrow I made as a kid, and while I don’t really blame my parents, it still stings today.

I can’t give you enough stars. That image of their smirking faces is gut wrenching. There is nothing united about these states, and it seems whatever hope was there, has been snuffed.