
There’s just not really any redeeming quality in that word, so maybe everyone, of every color, should just work on excluding it from their vocabulary. Problem solved.

Horizon Zero Dawn.

We are certainly a society of smart device toting, screen watching, media whores....so this was great until that last part where you mention Overwatch. That sort of dismisses your entire piece, because that’s just trading a bad vice for a worse vice (IMHO).


I grew up with a giant Lego collection, and have passed that addiction on to my son (who now has my bricks in addition to his own), I can’t really say anything is different. I think the sets have just become more elaborate. In fact, I think they might actually offer more “free play” bulk brick options now, than in the

Neat...........but, do people really enter enough text based info on their TV to warrant having ANOTHER remote laying around? I feel like we need to pressure companies for better UIs instead of designing cool input gadgets....

Neat...........but, do people really enter enough text based info on their TV to warrant having ANOTHER remote

sure...it’s a technical headache for English majors, no argument there. However, I couldn’t argue with the image it conjured. Good or bad, I can’t say it wasn’t a “hook”.

sadly no. I know “There are perhaps no days of our childhood we lived so fully as those we spent with a favorite book.” but that would be the depth of my exposure. I’ll add it to the bucket list!

I worked at TRU as my first “real” job from ‘95 - ‘00, starting as a bike assembler and then becoming the security (their word for electronics) manager. The schedule sucked, the pay sucked, and some temporary management sucked......but it was one of the greatest places I’ve worked. We were like a family, and everyone

“Four hours west of Albuquerque, over the mud brown desert hills, past the impossibly expansive golden plains strewn with flat-topped mountains pressed on god’s griddle, north of Gallup, New Mexico, “The Most Patriotic Small Town in America,” in tiny Chinle, Arizona, off Indian Route 7, on a dirt-paved side street not

nicely put.

yes, possibly. Sounds like maybe the judge was trying to “make a point”.

I can’t really see a good reason to pretend to be a father, so...yeah, I am ;) And my son is only 5, so at this stage he likely is a little spoiled, however that has no bearing to why I brought up parenthood. I simply have a different view on life/violence since becoming a father, and have to wonder if we as a society

I’m not completely sure how to feel about this. I’m an artist and a lover of video games, and have been since I cut my teeth on my parents Atari. I’ve had nearly every home console since the original NES, and I’m sure I will continue to buy them until I’m too old to play them. But....I’m also a father with a son in

ooh, that last one. niiiiice.

I cashed out a US savings bond that my grandma bought for me when I was born, just so I could buy this wonderful $80 SNES cart back in the day. I’m going to be so sad when I fire it up and find out that the battery backup has finally died, because it’s so hard to find suitable ports of our nostalgia these days.


Agreed. Actually, I feel like most concept art is better than the final outcome.

“It doesn’t help that the story mode’s early game is a genuine slog thanks to over-tutorializing.”

I have no doubt that this game will be big and gorgeous, I just hope the protagonist turns out to be as likable as James. I didn’t get a good vibe from that last trailer. RDR was/is one of my all time favorite games, and I think the character writing was a solid part of that.