
We are quickly approaching a sci fi film depicted society, with little real interaction with the world around us. We are glued to screens and apps all day long, looking for ways to streamline every aspect of our lives. There is a qualitly of living that is lost in this, and its really depressing.

The human race as a whole, needs to learn that describing yourself as a color is small and trite. Your qualities should define you...not your skin pigment, or self measured IQ level.

Obama was an amazing leader, who knew that skin color should not be the first and defining description of a person. He understood America in a way we could only hope a future president will. It’s a shame this was not noticed by more people when it came time to vote against captain Cheeto McSmartbrain.

I really enjoy how all the dumbass people I work with, who complained about Obama for eight years, are now realizing what an amazing leader he was.


While race certainly plays a large (if not the whole) part in these crimes, this is a problem of a much larger scale. There is an immense proportion of injustice from evil people in power, against those who powerless to rise against it. This is violence for the sake of violence. Nobody, nobody, fears for their life

world 2 is a desert. calling it now.

agreed. There is a strange cosmic balance to the whole thing. Once the world gets pushed to a certain point, it somehow takes back what it needs. Sucks that Fukushima had to pay the price....but it’s still cool.

An elegant critique of the game’s stupid swimming/stamina system.

very normal. My five year old son is unreal smart, and can’t read more than common sight words like STOP and ON/OFF.

When did Twitter become an acceptable platform for official presidential speech? Honestly....I’m fairly certain the majority of the world feels someone should have the parental controls working at full force on his phone. Tweeting the fate of the world while snacking on a big mac on your golf course is not acceptable.

by way of tweet. lets not forget that cherry topping. what a world we live in.

as a white guy in a fairly white section of northern california, I can actually say that non POC actually do use #5 and #1 somewhat regularly. Though to be fair, they are probably trying to be black. soooo....its a coin toss.

hey man! is the canned response to everyone from anyone in the service industry. it’s only interchangeable with “bro” when they feel the time fits.


hahahahaha. yeah. sad thing is it’s mostly true.

Each day, I just realize a little more, how sad this world has become. A lawsuit like this should never exist. Who has the time for this? Who was so bored and sour with their life, that filing this lawsuit seemed like a good idea? We dont have better, more productive uses for our legal system? (*laughs)

“Gold merely allows you to get your hands on them immediately, cutting down some of the additional time that would have been spent winning more battles, tracking nemeses, completing quests and assaulting fortresses.”

I wonder if we will ever get to a point when an actor is just an actor, and not a person defined by his/her color. To me, Idris Elba is the man, his color is insignificant. I’m not bashing this film review in any way...I just find it curious that the takeaway was mainly the color of someones skin. He is simply“the

fear and insecurity.