Photo mode!!!!........I can hear my progress in the game grinding to a screeching halt already!
Photo mode!!!!........I can hear my progress in the game grinding to a screeching halt already!
yeah...that last sentence. I’m not on the hardest setting now, but i have noticed that in 2, you had a lot more of a reason to uses signs, oils, and potions. I still use them...because witcher....but I see how with a really good bleeding blade you could probably just hack n slash your way to the end.
Totally. I wish I could open my fridge, see that it’s empty, close it and go take a nap after cracking open a bottle of alcohest and find it fully restocked. Damn reality.
amen. Ya know, I used to really dig having to repair weapons and armor...seemed like a cool concept to add realism to the fantasy world. Then one day I was like dammit....this is stupid annoying. This magical relic blade can cause poison, freezing, burning, and excessive bleeding....but it can’t hold an edge worth a…
I have not, but it’s on a to do list. I have heard from others, that Martins work is really good. To be honest I’m like 30 books behind where I would like to be. I hit this point in my life where reading was placed so far on the back burner, I can’t figure out how to get back. It’s sad....I really love it.
hahahaha...I said something similar. glad to know I’m not the only dork here.
The apron offers +50 fire resist.
agreed. Not a bad comic to movie adaptation at least considering how bad most are.
The movie wasn’t actually terrible, but the comics are really damn cool. Once you read a few, you can see their inspiration in a lot of modern media and film. Jamie Hewlett (among some others) really set a style with those comics.
yeah I got the same vibe. Not nearly as cool though :)
Makeup explosion. Those samples from Macy’s just don’t stay stable in war. Common rookie mistake. Many a tank lost to exploding mascara cartridges.
I couldn’t agree more. I really enjoyed how different it felt, and the ideas that you could tell they had. It could have been really really grand. Honestly like you said, it started out that way....but yes, by the end, it was really falling apart. A sad testament to the developer/publisher relationship.
Ah yes..the classic fantasy art female. slight provocative pout, check. Basic nipple coverage, check. Larger than life weapons, check. Funny to think that even from renaissance days of DaVinci, artists have always found a way to pose a woman simply to show her skin. Its an amusing human nature trait. At the most basic…
I guess. I don’t get GoT. Not because I can’t understand just doesn’t resonate with me, so the hook never sank in. I kind of don’t understand why/how it became so popular. Now I just roll my eyes when I hear mention of it because I feel like it’s the cable version of an energy drink....popular because everyone…
50 shades of Belmont
It’s Game of Thrones. Wildly popular yet completely overrated. Boring attempts at intellectual politics and drama, punctuated by sex and violence. ....but not done well. In my opinion at be fair, we all have our own tastes.
what is sad is how thin the pictured women are. The mentality that they need to lose weight is really broken.... Society needs to fix this.
America right?