
To get the free wi-fi here, you must buy something every three hours

To get the free wi-fi here, you must buy something every three hours

@AnonJr: hehe, I see what you did there

Look! Another excuse for us Americans to stay in Afghanistan even longer!

wait, who is the hypno- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD


So, why isn't BP using these? There's only so much a converted shrimp-boat can do..

@FriarNurgle: wow. Who's a douche? You're a douche!

that there be good journalism.


I just wait for another store to go out of business. With this failing economy, I've scored twenty cent DVD's [good ones], Premium art supplies for 90% off, clothes for 50% off, and a good printer.

I just hope the perspective isn't FPS. FPS's make me pukey

I congratulate you Brian for instigating the world's longest arguments over HAIR

@VincentGrey: It's sad and funny that you think all girls think this way.

@Batousi: now you have made me hate the female race, even though I be one.

@Andrew Wyatt: I think they are different men with a wig on

@hbkotaku: I'm from the West and personally, Muscular, hairy men make me want to retch. I think the East/West differences in culture have a role in the 'pretty boy' issue, but not all of it is from cultural differences, some of the issues are from personal ideas