
This is why I don't understand why colleges must shove two people into a room together. My roommate for instance must sleep to the television [bright lights included], makes loud noises whenever I need sleep, and presses the snooze for a good hour. Granted, I use the snooze once or twice too, but a good solid hour of

If only there were some in atlanta... It's a big city, why no love?

Wow, I thought every lay-person knew about the dry-erase marker trick.

why is there a rib in her thigh?

I think I kinda have a reason to why I'm procrastinating. My friend died, is that enough for you?

deviantart is funny today

@Goufunaki22: nonono, it needs to be upside-down, thusly ensuring a less painful birthing -.-

@mfusion: mine was, "someone doesn't know about this?"

@icarus212001: I just haven't seen many, I think our tastes in games differ slightly, but yes, the capcom fighter and super mario bros wii were good, but those are two out of what, a thousand crappy games? [yes, exaggeration, but you get the point]

@icarus212001: why does everyone assume that I am a he? Can't girls like video games and technology? And I meant Nintendo as a whole, you have to admit, the Wii needs to either go to an early grave or make better games. I agree that the DS is revolutionary, but must they make a new iteration every year? Even the PSP

Dear Nintendo,

@Dave J.: or freight and fright

i believe a NSFW needs to be added... My eyes, they bleed.. Good thing I never liked golf ^^

man, I cut my hair once a year...