
I'm betting that the last episode will take place a few years after this one. Note that they didn't show any preview scenes. As aggressively vague as Mad Men previews are, showing anything would have given away the time setting. It would be a shame to not have some resolution of Don's relationships with other

Great characters don't have to be all likable.

Is there a criteria that the AV Club uses for dropping episode review coverage of a show? 5 C-minuses in a row? Suicide of the reviewer? For example, coverage of Californication was dropped for most of its run and it was (arguably) better than this steamer (although not much).

I generally like movies/shows when Steve Coogan is involved, but boy, this one is a real stinker.

Something tells me that Don will continue West in his Caddy after he drops off the hitchhiker. That might be why he was staring at the plane too: wondering if it was California bound.

I don't think that's a cut and dry conclusion. Why kill Gene if Martha was permanently missing? Unless they are going to finger Gene for Martha's death, which seems unnecessary.

I can personally attest that beer pong was played in the early 80s.

“Your inner child needs to grow an outer man" - 'nuff said for an A+ episode.

Disappointed that they didn't show Midi-chlorians in the trailer.

Tim spinoff show, anyone?

That line alone earned the episode an "A."

Only a quarter of the running time? Wow, that makes it way better then.

Skyfall, a.k.a, "Home Alone: Scotland"

"Meek's Cutoff" should be used during enhanced interrogations at Guantanamo Bay.

Watch out, I think a mime is gonna come kick your ass tonight!

And it had a cat. I only like movies with dogs.

I thought I was going to hate "Frances Ha" after the first few scenes, but ended up really enjoying it. Top 100 though?

Scott Pilgrim?!?!? You're eff'ing kidding right? That movie felt like excoriation.

I completely agree. I've always thought that IF Mad Men is to have any kind of a happy ending, it will involve Don's salvation through developing a mature relationship with Peggy and Sally. Don's current tear through the models and stewardesses of NYC seems like a regression from the mid-season finale, but I still

I was grateful for a magazine store downtown that would sell anything to any age.