
Which is all I ask for.

Truly the Lord's work. Don't give up the fight.

Poor Easter always gets the shaft by the Fundies. They get all upset about saving Christmas, even though it is never going away because it props up the US economy. But what does Easter get secularly, despite representing the core mysticism of Christianity? A Bunny Rabbit and Chocolate. When will they fight to

I see what you did there. It would be sexist of me to laugh.

Ray Donovan is to The Sopranos as Miller Light is to Guinness.

I'm going to give it one more episode to see if Christopher Eccleston breathes any life into the show, but I don't see this lasting more than a season.

I have restarted Don DeLillo's "Underworld" too many times to count. Just can't make it through it…yet I enjoy it too.

I know I'm probably late with this, but here goes: more Kubrick this week! Ginsberg lip reading Lou and Cutler was straight out of 2001 (Hal lip reading Bowman and Poole's conversation in the pod).

I watch the x-rated Regarding Heinie at least once a year.

Loved the shot of Tyrion examining the wine goblet. It really captured that moment right before everything comes down on him.

Ah! Yes that's where I recognized Big Head!

Apparently, God should be looking for a better agent.

X-axis is sooo last year.

In the interest of full-disclosure, I was watching at home, it was late and I might have had a couple of drinks….but I just couldn't stay conscious to the end.

I wonder if the Terry Gilliam version would have kept me awake?

After watching this episode, I am really sick of the way this show's writers steal from my Felicity fan fiction.

Dammit, I was going to pitch Sandler for the "Super Mario Bros." live-actioner.

Oh OK. Thanks for explaining. Now it doesn't look stupid at all.

Every time someone says "sheeple" a kitten dies.

My own stray observations:
1. feexins, feexins, feexins
2. I would pay for yet another premium channel if they picked up the spin-off show: "Stevie's Chin." Stevie wins $100,000 in the lottery, rebuilds his chin and tries to revive the TnT business.
3. This season is so much better without the threat of Will Ferrell's