
Remember when all we wanted was for them to get out of Anville, when they were surrounded by well-drawn villains and characters and world-building.
They said fine, here's a brown apartment with an old man who doesn't speak English (so we can stall a little more), and the most fun characters are miserable now. You

Caught this at a screening a week ago, and the review is underselling how dark this film gets. The end takes a page from Schindler's List more than ET. Many of the scenes caused actual physical distress in me. Definitely the best Netflix film so far.

Jesus now that you mention it. Everything was his mother's fault and then he died right?

Suicide?!? Look who the fuck goes all the way to Australia and doesn't scuba dive among the coral reef before heading home? Right? Right? It's one of the wonders of the world.

Seriously, can we stop this shit?

I keep thinking about the production guy who has to note costume continuity. That guy deserves all the sympathy in the world.

If this what news sites do now? Ruin how Samira Wiley dies in a show the day after the show comes out?

Did you tell him that every network show of the last 50 years was secretly subtitled White-ish: Big dumb average guy gets a hot wife and cattle-grove of kids with a gigantic house with no mortgage and a job that is short enough to allow him to get into hijinks with his friends.

You gotta see it from the Pastor centric episode in S1, thats the episode the series finds its feet.

Yeah thats the pickup from the cold open. They literally underline it by her saying "A female writer has to be childless" before the titles. And Hannah's feeling that she sees a time of writing when "all this other stuff just falls away", the pregnancy is another entanglement to keep her from it.

I like this show. That is all.

I think I sense some reduction in scope and budget too. The ambition on display in the beginning is definitely lost, and they decided to settle for a puzzle box story to over-compensate.
All these little threads, clues, timelines, and ideas repeated ad nauseam but none of them getting wrapped in a thematic bundle.

Calling it now:
-The other two girls are the fake personas of the Final Girl from the Witch.
- They are all split personalities of the crazy psychiatrist.
- all of them are just slivers in the eye of a great film-maker looking for his renaissance.

If they are sticking to the British tv series, the kiss will play a big part in the resolution.

My guess is the Dark Enemy & WhiteRose has him in hiding somewhere.

It's been a pretty popular- and after a point obvious-opinion here for a while. There was a Vulture article that came out after the premiere itself.

In The street by Big Star is and always will be linked to The 70's Show for me.

Freddy's glance at Naz with his parents and his recent drug distribution problems makes me think that he needs Naz's parents to be his new mules.

But this is exactly what reviewers (over here as well) took Mad Men to task for. That they didn't talk about or appropriate Black narrative in America during the 60's. When the show was always about the perspective and psyches of a bunch of suburban upper middle-class white Americans.

That is literally the first thing I mentioned to my friend while watching the show. But I dont think that is a mistake; just something the show has'nt pivoted to yet. It's something they will come back to at trial. We did have thr DA say she is waiting for the blood-work.
As for Box, like the rview says, I think he is