Zoricus Archer

At long last it will be confirmed: Jughead is really Matter-Eater Lad…

Check her out in Eurotrip if you get the chance; she definitely made for some barely legal eye candy in some of the sexy outfits she wore in that film…

I'd say that really has more to do with the fact that the original "Fright Night" wasn't a big-budget blockbuster like the others; therefore, not enough people are familiar with the original to have a fair basis for comparison…

It wasn't the whole EPA; it was Walter Peck who specifically was hell bent on shutting the Ghostbusters down….

All-female cast or not, I say a "Ghostbusters" reboot is a bad idea from the ground up. Seeing as how pretty much every 80s film recently remade or rebooted was godawful (Karate Kid, Robocop, Red Dawn, etc.), I really think this classic needs to be left as is. And don't even get me started on how disappointing

You should see the IMDb message board for BBT; at any given moment, roughly half of all messages are about Kaley Cuoco's new haircut. As for my opinion, I just don't think it's very flattering for someone with her facial features; since she was clearly intended to be the show's resident hottie, I just don't think it