
“Unity” in this case means standing together and condemning this as an act of Domestic Terrorism, holding the seditionists accountable at the highest level, removing them from power and punishing them accordingly.

Well, I’m going to take a cue from the insurgents and just choose my own reality.

I’m jealous! He just brings it in every live show clip I’ve seen.

I have a Shambala Classic version of that I reread every few years. The Monkey King remains one of my favorite Trickster characters in lore.

I was using ‘f*ck’ but also ‘f*uck’ and occasionally ‘fu**ck’. The same with ‘s*it’, as ‘sh*it’ and ‘sh**it’, and all the other censorable words.

It appears that it was.

Excellent series and interview.


Bit of a superhero weekend, starting with Wonder Woman 1984. It was...okay. My three biggest gripes were the pacing, the logic gaps and in-universe inconsistencies. Still, I liked the four leads and overall, it was a fun movie watch on the couch after a long day of “Christmasing”. I do wonder if seeing it in a theatre

Biden’s three-point public platform seems to have been, 1) Contain/control the pandemic, 2) Repair the economy and 3) Unify the nation. So I think he’s going to continue to espouse that kind of hopeful and optimistic rhetoric because it’s part of his “brand” (as a soon-to-be-deposed American Princess Wannabe might

May as well be consistent and continue my stan for Cinemax’s Warrior.

As a fan of the pen & paper RPG, I was really excited when I heard this was in development.

Karem’s employer doesn’t negate the legitimacy of his questions,

They will never forgive him for not being Bernie Sanders.

I always thought Giancarlo Esposito would make a great Obama in a biopic.

Watched two music documentaries on Amazon Prime (yes...I know. I’m sorry).

Did...did you guys really just mix up Jameela Jamil and Pryanka Chopra?

I was out last night with some friends (being safe and socially distant, of course) and there was a palpable sense of relief in the air. Especially after Biden’s short, pointed and calming speech.