
Since it invariably is going to come up, I don’t understand how people can scream “this is a witchhunt” or “people are too sensitive” or “this is SJW nonsense” when time and again big gaming/tech companies have proven to be navel gazing, bro-clubs who alienate anyone who isn’t a straight white male.

It’s not

Thank you for this very thorough and detailed reporting. This seems the result of several different toxic cultures (Business, Gamer, Start-Up, etc.) all intersecting and building on one another. Very disappointing...

It still has buttons, the point is you have options. 

It still has buttons, the point is you have options. 

Two 7 year olds are playing. One of them gives the other a light shove. The pushed kid screams “MoooOoom, he punched me!”. The mom, who saw it all happen, says “no he didn’t, you’re exaggerating”. Does this imply that she thinks what the first kid did wasn’t wrong?

Do I need to dumb this down even further or are we

Or he was downplaying the overplaying of their actions from the article. There was nothing “aggressive or “takeover style” about their 15-second grab-and-dash.

Someone doesn’t get jokes...

“very aggressive”
“takeover style”
“They were going through people”

And this is just a piece of fabric…

I think you dropped your fedorahood over there.

Damn. Siege was pretty friendly back when it came out.

As a Canadian I apologize for this woman, but like Beiber, Brian Adams, and Shania Twain: America, you touched her last. She’s yours now.

It is only a matter of time before she cries reverse racism and white victimhood for critiques of this travesty. I bet the YouTube video of her white tears is already queued up & ready to post.

“No, no, no, no. You cannot have both. I can watch what I say; I cannot watch what my community does. Are you fucking serious?”

To someone who plays GTA and takes it for what it is.... the GIF above is HILARIOUS!

“It doesn’t matter that most of the time no one shoots me with that thing,” wrote Reddit user BitterBubblegum. “Constantly expecting it is the thing that reduces the enjoyment.”

Hey, the rich worked hard for that nuke and shouldn’t have to share their wealth with the middle and lower GTA class.

The rich are ruining the game after the game required you to be rich to play the game? Yeah sounds about right.

To someone who doesn’t play GTA V and couldn’t care less about the balance of the game... the GIF at the top of the post is HILARIOUS!

A point doesn’t stand just because you say it does. You have to back that up with facts.

I want to agree with you but I just can’t.