
I agree. I think Jimmy needed Chuck to see the good in him and stop putting him down. He became slipping Jimmy to begin with because he felt he had no role models and no peers. He couldn't relate to anyone. That and he probably started life less than poor with no way out even though his brother was a successful

Kim would hate that, though.

I was just at the DMV today. The guy asked if I was still driving a Hyundai. Lol, I drive a Honda.

It's been driving me crazy that Kim never suggested that to Jimmy, that he work for her for awhile. Their relationship is strained but it's Kim's flawss, too, that lead to her exhaustion. Nobody told her to overwork herself to deal with her guilt or alienation from Jimmy. She's just like Jimmy that way: she can't help

You just described my impression of Lydia to a T. She remains professional and knowledgeable, she is an impressive character. That's all I'll say for now. . .

I was thinking that, they'll have to show up at the hospital drunk. Poor Kim. I didn't notice the handbag, tho. I do hope she has her phone with her.

Lydia seemed so calm compared to the way she is years later. Love that actress here by the way. Lydia's one of my favorite characters.

Ok am I crazy or did hector seem to hear the pills dropping into his coat pocket? Very scary. Does anyone remember anything about super hearing-aids from any other episodes? I can't quite remember . . .

Don't forget Roman World.

Also sorry to hear about your family members. I hadn't read that yet when I made my suicide world comment. I hope you're not offended.

So when in time does Delores' father start to gain his consciousness?

All jaka is saying is that in his/her opinion it didn't work on the show , which is an opinion and a reaction to the story telling. In my opinion the two men didn't seem very self sacrificing and yeah their plan didn't work. You can't explain someone to have the same reaction as you. I did personally feel that these

You figured out what the second season will be! Guests will go to the park to end it all. Suicide World.

I almost didn't watch the last two episodes at all. It just wasn't that interesting. Then today I finally just got bored and said "fine, let's see how it end." I guess I'm glad I did?

So wouldn't it have been better if they had just revealed the twist sooner and we all could have tried to enjoy the show in the first place? I'm so sick of twists!

Your explanation makes sense, so now I'm really confused.

Ahahahaha! They wanted us to suffer

But who was code? So it was the robot's inner consciousness that rewrote their programs using Arnold's access key? Because if Ford reprogrammed them then this still isn't free will, right? Then the fact that reprogramming a robot is just like using an app. . . I kept saying that the robot's just needed to finish

Absolutely no way I can watch this year. I just can't do it. It's not healthy, lol. I might still read the reviews though.

I think, to me, Gus is worse because everything he does hurts other people. Most, if not all, of what Mickey does hurts herself. She was mean to Bertie and to her boss and that was shitty but even in those scenarios what she did hurt herself more than them. They were both able to move on with their lives after they