
It drives me crazy when a character tells on themselves unnecisarily, especially when they paint themselves in an even worse light than what happened in the scene. I hate that when it happens in sitcoms, too. Gus really did have nothing to do with her character being killed off, and also he did try to stand up for her

Everyone deserves better than Gus. I was so mad at Mickey for saying he had been great.

K I knew about the kiss at the end before I watched this episode and I still felt like it came out of NOWHERE! It made no sense to me that they would ever meet up or speak ever again. Even a needy stalker cools down after a couple days. I thought maybe Gus would call up Micky when he realized he had nothing left (I

During the writers room meltdown I thought I was suddenly watching a goofy scene from Curb your enthusiasm. It felt so out of place and made no sense for the characters.

I agree. I couldn't stand Mickey this episode, so much so that she seemed like an almost different character to me. I just don't get why she likes Gus at this point, or why Gus isn't that into her. I mean I get that she's insecure and she was rude to him and all that but based on how they acted towards each other

Yeah I can see her hanging around him or using him because she's lonely, but Heidi throwing herself at him?
If it could happen, though, I'm sure what Mickey said about L.A. being the loneliest place on earth helped in Heidi's impulsiveness?

I didn't get why Mickey thought she had been too "mean" to Gus on their date to the magic castle, when she was mad at him before. Wouldn't she still be a little annoyed? And if she wasn't, why didn't she just call Gus and say she wanted to come to his party that day?
Because of the fact she thought SHE had been mean I

HATHWELL! From Burning Love!!!!! OMG I was cracking up!

when I think of SLAA meetings I think of Chuck Palahnuik's Choke, which has a movie adaptation that I would not recommend but that Gillian Jacobs has a small role in that she absolutely kills! Just wondering if there are some parallels that were done on purpose?

Has anyone else not seen any of the movies they sing about? Are they worth seeing?

yeah I feel like I don't know if I should even watch the last two episodes now. That last scene made me so mad. How is this the same Gus who texted mickey all night when she was on the subway? He's moved on already? And AFTER things got serious?!

YES! My roommates probably think I watch really weird porn in the living room thanks to this show.

totally agree. I don't know if the binge approach works here at all. When I watch two episodes in a row I feel like too much has happened too fast. It leaves me with the feeling I missed some scenes, or that I'm being jerked around. It might be better if I go a few days and act like more has happened with the

yeah I really thought Gus was to blame on this one. On a first date you really need time to talk and try to get to know one another. Anyway that's one of the problems I have with this show. It always seems like one OR the other of them is being terrible, and never both at the same time. On party in the hills it was

maybe I don't know much about the business but why did Gus have to stay on set until they finished filming when he is only the tutor?