Zelda Pinwheel

Funny, because I think it is trashy as hell to throw your own shower, especially for any baby after the first. Trashy. As. Hell. BUT. Women who are expecting via surrogate are still expectant mothers. What’s your damage? My daughter was born via surrogate and even though I couldn’t carry her I was still having a baby.

Listen. Having a THIRD baby shower seems a little tacky, but for people saying that Kim can’t have a shower because “she’s not even pregnant,” I just have this to say: fuck you very much. My daughter was born via surrogate, and I was a joyful and excited expectant mother even though I couldn’t gestate her myself. I

Yes! He played the loud dick cashier who never grew up. He was superb in that!

And his hair replacement was terrrrrible.

Hey! He was great in Singles. When did that come out? Like 1992?

I cannot deny their well-deserved reputation as complete jerks, but I’ve never had trouble with one. Just lucky, I guess ;o)

Actions speak louder than words, and they tell the truth.

I love that!


Awww, man. I like geese. We get each other and I’ve never had a problem with one, even when I get close to them to be with the ducks.

I am not making this up, although it sounds like a bad lie. My bestie was there, too, so I know I wasn’t having some sort of auditory hallucination. We were in college, and in a rural WalMart buying fish food, when over the store loudspeaker we heard, “Will manager Tanqueray please report to customer service. Manager

Was that person wrong, though? Really?

I wonder if that was part of why she worked with John Wayne over and over? They were reportedly great friends.

Loretta Young, very late in life, characterized it as a date rape. Poor woman.

“Love” was code for “fuck” at that time. They weren’t downplaying, they were adhering to standards.

Okay. I’m not arguing. That information was in my brain from probably 20 years ago. It was outdated or incorrect then, or has become outdated since. I’m interested in the decorative arts, but do not purport to be an expert in the field. I believe you; I said thank you.

This is the hill you want to die on? Okay. His “insult” to women is so statistically true that I would probably let it slide with little more than an eye roll. The ONLY women I know in real life who don’t absolutely adore Tiffany, and wish and hope that their love will pony up a little blue box are the extremely

C’mon. My besties will sit around my trashed house and drink butt-ends of all the bottles I find in the cabinets and watch Grandma’s Boy for the millionth time. The neighbors and moms from my daughter’s play place and my husband’s colleagues need that sort of organization and cajoling. It’s a different thing.

You insulted his family. That’s... uncommonly rude.

I’m not sure where the Tiffany-bashing is coming from. It’s a business. Tiffany sells ridiculously overpriced luxury goods, generally to people with more money than sense, and they do it very well. Why is that so offensive? You can all go around wearing your phrygian caps and policing others’ commitment to the