Zelda Pinwheel

“We could *all* ‘possibly’ be Frank Sinatra’s child.”

This is an elaborate ruse. I’m just not sure to what purpose...

I’m with you. That “Oh, you’d love it! Just go!” shit has always pissed me off. Tickets cost money, yo. Now, I have a kid—who is just two, mind you—and a certain type of bitchy/clueless/judgey mom “friends” keep saying that I “haaaaave” to take her to Walt Disney World RIGHT NOW. “Just do it! Do it! It’s so magical!

Proud Lesbian Shitass. Scott Baio can suck it.

Oprah ruins everything.

Jensen Ackles has turned down several major A-list-making parts because he loves his job, his life, and his fans. He doesn’t need more.

I’m a SAHM/freelance writer, and I have made a couple of great mom-friends at the local hippy-dippy play place. I looked around for people who seem the type, and strike up a conversation. I have had exactly ONE interaction with plenty of women! But a couple have been of my tribe. It helps that I’m fat with pink hair.

Oh, way to sock it to him, Cait.

Agreed. But Rachel and I are Ravenclaw, and quite smug about being in the best house.


Ravenclaw 4 lyfe!

CarnyAsada, I adore you.

It’s real. It’s just... very close to common.

You are welcome! John Taylor was one of the most beautiful men of his time, although I always preferred Simon because his lyrics are so sexy.

With the longer hair, I see a lot of the young John Taylor in Harry Styles.

I was suuuper strict about no screen time ‘til age two, and I vowed to be strict in limiting screen time thereafter. But I’m not strict about it now. Some days, my daughter watches lots of TV, and some days none. However, there are a few very soothing and gentle British shows that we purposefully watch during

My husband worked as a public defender. He would often say that his job was to defend people’s constitutional right to a fair trial.

My irritation lies in the fact that’s EVERYONE knows OJ is guilty, and everyone knew that Robert Kardashian was only on the defense team so that he couldn’t be called to testify. Common knowledge is not revelatory.

Yes! I’m always conflicted about summer because I hate the heat but I feel so much better, skin-wise. Sorry that you live in Devil’s Left Nutsack. How are the taxes?

My skin is so dry it will literally crack and bleed in spots. I am NOT soaping up my whole body more than once a week. To add to this weirdness, I have a hyper sebaceous scalp, so I have to shampoo every day unless I get really lucky. So my showers are for “pits and cracks” and the rest of my skin gets rinsed and