
Nice save.

The internet, where the poisonously emotionally immature make affirmation circles and give each other hate boners.

Your crying..


I like her, she reminds me of my mum a bit.

They make better zombies than real zombies..because all the zombie porn they're addicted to!


Your working hard to find things to entertainingly nitpick about i'll give you that.

abusive crazy doctor dad.

"Transphobic" is the fashion these days, Walkers are living people who identify as dead. Because intersex.

Washed up on a desert island with nothing but a 40 lb bag of heroin and no food. Good memories, Mr. King.

This was one of the most uncomfortable 22 minutes of my life. I literally had to hide under a blanket watching this episode.

You magnificent bastard, I hate myself as I'm laughing.

Of narcissistic manipulative behavior? your comments right now are a good example SunnyDandThePurpleStuff

Yeah a while ago I started asking why Mitchell stands to be in relationship with Cam's endless childish narcissistic manipulative crap. After all this time It feels like such a unhealthy life sucking quagmire.

She owned that sexy thief D&D costume…natural 20.

Yeah he hiked for 1 or 2 hours before he met some other hikers who I assume had a cell phone. I don't know how he shut down those arteries actually. A rope? Insane just thinking about it…

Hey genius, you ever see a move called 127 hours?

*sound of coconut hitting Dunk's head*
*crowd laughs

Now grab the handle and gently mount the thorax.

Now mount the thorax…