
Taking a look at Ghostbusters's Rotten Tomatoes page, it's got 96% critics and 87% audience, so it's pretty firmly in the upper right-hand corner there.

Love this data viz! Could we get a movable / zoomable chart to play around with?

I would love to see where my favorite movie of all time, Ghosbusters would be on this chart. I say that because whenever someone asks me what my favorite movie is and I tell them they always give me this weird look that Ghostbusters isn't an acceptable answer.

Do we, though? Nothing seems to be changing, so I'd argue we don't.

As I'm sure you've heard, countries with stricter gun laws and more liberal policies in general tend to have a much lower homicide rate than the US. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_c… I'm not sure you're really winning the logic prize. There's no evidence at all that more guns = less crime. In fact, statistics

You're right, it does loosk amazing.