I think the main problem is Tommy Tallarico is genuinely frikkin nuts, massively egotistical and living in some kind of delusional dream world.
I think the main problem is Tommy Tallarico is genuinely frikkin nuts, massively egotistical and living in some kind of delusional dream world.
Ah but you see, if you were to simply buy more PlayStation controllers that would “solve” the problem. Handy when they develop stick drift one by one as well, so you can replace them one by one. Because controller tax is totally a part of gaming and has been for a long time.
If they’re under 12 months old you can send them back to Microsoft and they’ll usually replace the entire controller for free. Takes several weeks though. Pretty sure if you open the controller you void the warranty and that no longer applies.
I maintain that the grammar would be far superior on an AI generated article, and it would have fewer typos and redundancies. I have huge problems with "AI" (ChatGPT can so easily be proven wrong, and despite it's insistence you can teach it things it never retains anything you teach it) but making well formed…
Yeah I still find it funny my old DualShock 3s hold about 3 times the amount of charge as my DualShock 4s despite being 2 to 3 times as old. It’s that stupid light bar on the back, I swear.
I think the AI wouldn't have missed the word "their" in the second sentence, to be honest. It looks like the work of an inattentive writer.
Not done a DS4 but I’ve opened several DS3s and the battery is really easy to get to. Five screws to get the back off, and then it’s right on top. Takes longer to put the back on and get the triggers lined up than to change the battery.
Nice to see this was proofread before posting, by which I mean it wasn’t. There’s a missing word in the second sentence.
When I recently got an Xbox One X (back in January 2021) I recalled having fond memories of this back from playing the demo with friends years ago.
Dude, to be honest, whether you’re right or wrong here you are just coming off as an ENORMOUS pseudo-intellectual blowhard, the kind of person who just has to have the last word to feel like they’re “right” and justfies their rightness by covering their narcissism and lack of objectivity in a wall of verbosity.
“This is a wildly narcissistic take.”
Drawing purely on personal experience of how games run at launch, playing Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 Pro was still less buggy than playing Arkham City on PC. Arkham City required so many DirectX patches and god knows what else, I ended up playing the opening mission so many times I memorised the dialogue word for word,…
Although I don’t agree with the game having no emotional resonance, the points about Neo Silverhand were well taken. Keanu’s role was a mixed bag - after a while he started to grate on the nerves, seemingly popping up as Johnny to over-editorialise something that just happened in the story that required no further…
One of the “perks” of being an early adopter of games like this is finding where the unbalanced parts are and leaning on them HARD before they get nerfed, for an easier/more fun first playthrough, I find. Like how originally in Skyrim, smithing crappy daggers was ridiculously overpowered and would allow you to level…
Yeah I totally agree. It is clearly unfinished and buggy (and unbalanced therefore hugely exploitable for eddies but that’s kinda fun so I don’t mind) but yet the sense of atmosphere when everything works is just stellar.
“The internet group think on this is, as always, nightmarishly child like.”
How incredibly perceptive and revealing. Talking of posts people should read more ⭐
“You also get some new ways to spin your guns and some new cosmetic items.”
Zack, this show has been terrible long before episode 8. I like the fact you hold episode 7 up as a good episode - isn’t that the one where Dr Blondie and Soji spend large chunks of it angsting and crying, presenting us with an old-fashioned stereotypical insulting portrayal of women rather than the usual misandry…
I like the idea but it's not practical. Some emails require an ASAP response. It's up to you to prioritise what needs doing and how quickly. You could always tag emails different colours, make your own system, then know what needs immediate turnaround, what can be done before end of day, what can wait until tomorrow.…