I know, you’re like my HS english teacher, I still feel this one deserves some extra credit.
I know, you’re like my HS english teacher, I still feel this one deserves some extra credit.
Since everyone is suggesting pickups, why not actually suggest the tornado outrunning pickup, (Tom you were close with the SRT10, I see what you did there), but why not actually suggest what we’re all thinking. A 1995 Ram 2500, quad cab, long bed, in red naturally (or another color I guess). Available with the Cummins…
I think this one actually deserves a bonus bro, thing is off the scale.
Owners ruin cars, the aftermarket just provides them the parts to do it.
I have a ‘79, and yeah it’s got rust (to be fair, it’s in the salt belt, so everything has rust) but apart from typical 37 year old car with 180,000 miles problems, and the-previous-owner-was-a-high-school-doofus problems it’s been a good car. It isn’t fast by any means, but it’s fun to ring out and very enjoyable to…
I really like my 924, sure it’s grossly under powered, but apart from old car issues, and questionable high schooler previous owner repair/modification issues it’s really been a pretty good car. Why did you hate yours so much?
Nothing against Chevy motors, I just want to keep the truck all Ford.
A 6.7 would be amazing, personally I don’t want to go through the suspension work though. I don’t need a ton of HP, somewhere between 350-400 hp should be plenty. Doing a little more looking, a 3v V10 will give me just that, be unique, and can be had with a manual. Hmmmm.... time to start shopping I think.
I would really like to, but money, that and I want a manual, which can easily be found behind a 351, not so easily with the 5.4. Maybe I’ll just find a V10 with a stick....
That’s damn good for a 2v 5.4, I’ve seen 17 mpg, once, once, I usually can’t break 14. Strange thing is mileage hardly drops when towing, maybe down to 11 with a really heavy load.
This is my biggest dilemma with my 1950 F3 eternal project. I can’t decide what motor to put in it. I’m so back an forth between what I want, what I need it to do, and what I can afford. I sold the 460 I had because I didn’t want abysmal mileage, so then the plan was to get a FI 5.8, which won’t make a lot of power,…
Fix project swiss cheese to drive, then move the J10 outside, put a cover over it if you want, and work on the CJ in the comfort of a garage. Problems solved (apart from finding the problem with the XJ in the first place).
Nope, commented the same thing earlier. Not sure much would happen, but still.
I would leave the car in there and see how long it took to dissolve.
From a consumer perspective I think SEMA definitely matters as it is a showcase for all of new products available on the aftermarket. I think it would matter even more if they let the public in to view new products.
Didn’t read the whole list but I want this in the worst way.
I normally do to, but there’s something at Arby’s that just messes with me, it’s either the roast beef, or their cheddar sauce. I hope it’s just the cheddar sauce because I love their roast beef sandwiches.