
Speaking of silly charges. When I was younger and went with my mom when she got her oil changed the mechanic/tech would always come in with your air filter in hand and mention that is was a little old and dirty and ask if we would like to replace it. If you said no, they would simply put it back in, but if you said

Full disclosure; I eventually want to buy a trike for the sole reason being that I could tow a boat with it and be able to take the boat in and out of the lake. That way I can “ride” to the lake, fish and then “ride” home without needing to take the truck.

Same here, I actually own the movie, but I’m waiting to watch it with a friend and it just hasn’t worked out yet. The anticipation is killing me.

He did the 70.33 mph on the Indian, I watched the video this morning. Must have switched bikes for the 78 mph run.

He made the 70.33 mph record on the Indian, I saw the video this morning. He must have switched bikes and then did the 78.15 mph run.

Same here, I haven’t needed much yet, and so far I’ve been able to find everything I need at the local junk yard for next to nothing.

That’s a decent looking car you have. Mines about the same, paid a little more for it, $1300, which, admittedly after digging a little deeper was maybe just a little too much, but still not a bad deal. Mine drives great, the steering is super tight, and it runs good too. Breaks were sketchy on the way home and I found

I’ve always liked Ford’s FX4 logo.

I actually liked the Super Duty, just for the reasons you mentioned lol. By the last generation of F-150 (09-14) though the cabs were pretty much the same size, if not a little bigger in the F-150.

Sorry, that was a little unclear, it will go 90-110 miles before the fuel light turns on. It’ll go about another 45ish once the light is on. 3.3 gallon tank.

I might have to check it out then, it’ll be a few weeks before I can make it back to the yard though.

Like I said, I prefer having a tach, but I can live without one. I’ve never had a bike with a gas gauge (well, not really, my first bike had one, but I tore the dash off immediately because it was ugly). The Harley does have a low fuel light though which comes on when you hit the 1 gallon reserve, which is around

They’re optional on most bikes, but I don’t think many of them come with tachs. I mean, I like having them, but it’s not like you’re racing the bike so they’re not really needed. Plus it allows HD to minimize everything and keep the bikes really clean.

I do not know, but as an engineer myself, I trust the engineers who designed this that it’s hasn’t applied itself yet, or is right at that point now.

I’m pretty sure it’s shot, but I haven’t looked that close at it. I could pull it and rebuild it because parts there are stupid cheap. A complete engine, minus accessories, is $125.

It sucks getting used to, but you do get used to it. I hit the limiter a bunch when I bought my Sportster, but now I hardly hit it at all. You get used to the sound and instinctivly know when to shift. That being said, I would still prefer to have a tach.

Too young to remember, but I knew about them.

I just bought a 924! The non turbo version though. Admittedly mines in much worse shape cosmetically because a high schooler had their way with it at one point in its life. Still, it runs good and I only paid $1300. Plus the local pick and pull just put a fresh 924, and 944 on the lot. Hooray for cheap parts!

That’s a shame that someone stole it.

That’s kind of my point, at highway speeds this likely wont run at substantially lower rpms than say an 8 speed would simply because the engine doesn’t make the torque. So having a 10 speed compared to an 8 speed likely won’t gain you anything at highway speeds, assuming that the final drive ratio is the same. So that