
This may or may not be my next bike depending on your review. Initial impressions are good, styling is nice and the motor is exactly what I want. Brakes and suspension aren’t a major concern, so long as they aren’t absolutely terrible, plus there will probably be upgrades in short order. Honestly I might wait just a

Not my favorite bike of his, buts it’s amazing none the less.

Oooh, I forgot about sprint cars... +1.

The 4.6 Ford is hands down my favorite sounding V8. I’m a bit partial to the 5.4 as well.

I really liked the first generation Titan, still do actually, too bad they let it languish for so long. I agree though, the Hardbody was peak Nissan pickup.

We had one of these in the shop the other day and I didn’t hate it as bad as I thought I would. The interior was really nice (Platinum Reserve model) and the bed had some nice tie down features. It’s still terribly ugly though, and the door handles are too thick.*

Why do you have to ruin my dreams with research? I want to believe.

What really irks me is how in the article it says, “an exact replica of the Titanic, here’s all the differences;

I don’t love any of them, but if I had to pick...Scrambobber.

This is so much better than everything above.

That third picture is kinda blowing my mind. Not only is it awesome because it’s reversed, it’s got to be a bitch to tune with 8 carbs. The thing that’s really confusing me though is why some of the ex-intake ports are blocked off, and where does the exhaust from the front and rear cylinders go?

I know these are very sought after bikes, and somewhat rare, and I have no idea what the market is on them, other than expensive. But $16,000 seems excessively expensive, so CP.

I was about say this is really cool then complain that there are no tracks around where I live, but it turned one up about 3 hours away that I wasn’t previously aware of. 3 hours away is a ways, but I’ve driven further for less. I might just have to invest in a set of leathers and see if I can’t get my crappy old XJ

For some reason something about it just looks, wrong, to me, yet I can’t stop looking at it. There are so many beautiful designs and features, and it’s different, in a great way.

Did you know that if it weren’t for trucks, we wouldn’t have tailgates?

Agreed, 100%.

It is a sick feeling when you realize that you need to let a project go, especially one that means so much to you. I was nearly at that point with my first bike as well, it became unrelaible to the point that I went and bought a much newer bike to be rid of the headache. At the time I had a few years left of college,

Haha, you just have to find one that will let you have one, or just lay down the law. I already had I think 3 bikes, (2 running, one project) when I met my wife and she said that once my project bike is done that I can’t have more than two bikes. I just laughed and said, “Well, I can promise you right now that that

Great article Sean. I’ve always been into motorcycles of all types, and my tastes have constantly changed over the years. I started out wanting something chopper-ish (grew up with American Chopper and it was just past it’s peak when I started riding) which slowly evolved into a taster for cafe racers. After I

I’ve done pods, on an XJ750, and yes, they are a bitch, but doable. If you can find someone to work on them for you that’s definitely the easy route to go, but it’s not impossible to tune them yourself. I was forced to learn with no experience in carbs what-so-ever and eventually got it running like a champ.