
Nowadays sure, which is why I would like to see the sales numbers broken apart, but basically from the start of the pickup until the mid 90's every truck in the lineup was nearly indistinguishable. I am excited to see the new Super Duty going to a shared can, as much as I liked the old super duty I always wondered why

I’ve driven a 4 cyl one (the new Tacoma, not the Amarok), it was... uninspiring. Other quick notes include very low seating position, thick interior, mail slot windshield, and tiny back seat, so pretty standard for a new truck. Interior was nice, and the ergonomics were good, the only thing that drove me insane was

Regarding the F-series is the best selling truck thing. I think the only reason it is really frustrating is because the F-150 and the Super Duty are distinguishably different vehicles where as the Silverado and the Ram are not. It makes sense to me to call the Silverado a “vehicle” that has different levels of

I’m not a huge fan of it either, but I am happy that at least Harley is trying out some new products and new ideas, and trying to bring in a new customer type.

It hasn’t been out for too long and doesn’t get a lot of press. It’s bigger twin the Street 750 gets all the attention.

Yeah, that’s a hell of a deal, and it doesn’t look too bad as a full dresser either, apart from those headlights.

I’m confused by your comment, are you asking them to build one, or for Sean to ride one? Because they do make the Street 500.

I can’t imagine riding something that redlines at like 5500 RPM would be anything but suck either way.

That’s my experience as well, the only people that don’t seem to wave consistently are sport bike riders.

To me it’s more about where that torque is, way down low in the revs. It’s like comparing a 5.0L turbo diesel and a 5.0L v12. Sure the V12 makes a ton more HP, and might make more torque, but you have to be pushing 9,000 rpm to get it, where as the diesel makes all it’s torque before 3500 rpm. Some people prefer lown

It’s all those little details that no none notices until they spend a good amount of time with the bike. I’ve had my Sportster for close to three years now and I still find myself discovering little things that make me say, “Wow that’s a nice touch, I’m surprised someone took the time to do that.” Your description of

Same. My Sportster was the perfect inbetweener for me and I wanted to do a few things to it to make it a bit more sporty, but then my wife said she wanted to ride with me more, so off came the solo seat and low bars, and on went the chump bars (mini apes) the 2up seat and the backrest, all things I find ugly but make

Keeping it simple, this is everything I wanted from this review. Thank you.

It is pretty much exactly what I want except that I find them one of the ugliest bikes ever made, JMO. I wasn’t aware that they were that cheap though as I don’t think I’ve ever seen one on my local Craigslist. That’s a hell of a bargain though, a lot of bike for not a lot of money.

Just a preference mainly, but they tend to be a little more power dense, with a little less weight. I’m aware that HD has a couple water cooled bikes, but like you said, they just wont work for me, the Streets are too small, and the CVO is too big, and more of a touring bike than I want, and I’m just not too drawn to

Be sure to record the cost of those trips, that way you can add them into the “It Cost Me This Much To Own An Aston Martin For A Year” post.

Alright everyone, when “What Car Should I Buy” Round 2 comes up, we all know what to do. We go to every DougMedia page, and individually suggest the Model T (or whatever car you want I guess) no one gets stars, no ones gets comments saying “I agree the Model T/insert-car-here would be really fun to see.” Individual

Yeah, Harley has made some really cool, interesting, and odd ball stuff over the years, but so much of it gets passed over because all most people know is the “Big lumpy V-twin” bikes. Did you also know that in the 80’s they built a prototype liquid cooled V4?

I’ve started my Sportster 883, from a stop, in 5th, because I had a massive brain fart and completely forgot to downshift. I killed it once, expecting to be in first, but then managed to get it going*. It was slow and very chuggy, but it did it. I’m not sure how this bike would do, although it’s got twice the motor,

I think some people just have different preferences, some are more comfortable sitting upright and straight, while others like the reclined position of bikes like these. Perhaps the seating position just isn’t right for you. Another thing is that Harley’s seem to be uncomfortable for most people straight from the