You’ve got some pretty flawed logic. I don’t like a lot of foods. Seeing someone eat those foods still makes me hungry if I haven’t eaten in a while though. That’s something that’s true for most people.
You’ve got some pretty flawed logic. I don’t like a lot of foods. Seeing someone eat those foods still makes me hungry if I haven’t eaten in a while though. That’s something that’s true for most people.
I mean we don’t know that it was a Bethesda employee so I doubt anyone there will be job hunting over this.
See now this is the sort of research video games can excel at helping with that has for a long time been ignored. I’m glad someone is finally looking at it as a viable method of research.
I mean given the fact that you actually can waive your Constitutional rights when it comes to legal representation, a trial with a jury of your “peers”, and the like, I don’t know that you can make that argument here.
Michael Beattie would be my voice actor of choice, in the vocal stylings of Mordin Solus. After all, he is the very model of a scientist Salarian.