
I don’t care about being wrong. If I worried about that I would never make any predictions.

I would love for all the Bernie supporters to come and tell us again about how Hillary is just as bad as Trump. If the challenges to any of these new laws end up in the Supreme Court, given 

I really, really hope Anthem is the tipping point for live-service games going away (or at least not being as grindy, predatory, or incomplete experiences).

Family courts are extremely biased towards fathers, who even when abusive get custody in most cases:

And yet even “feminists” keep pushing the (male) lie that family courts are “biased against fathers”.

I agree.

I understand how you feel but this is honestly not a logical request of any website or entertainment entity. I’m sorry.

Oh, for fuck’s sake, with the goddamn polar bear already. Why is that always the default question when someone brings up all the things they missed on the show and/or didn’t bother looking up? I know this stuff isn’t obvious, but come on. It’s all been readily available online for nearly a decade.

I think they win in Civilization 6.

don’t give up creative control...”

The world is actively a worse place because of these people.

. Back when my brother was in the Marines there were few women in the Marines and he noticed two distinct types of women in the marines.

It’s like if Hitler came onto a game and wondered why his name is blocked.

Sinema’s election doubles the number of LGBT Senators (because Tammy Baldwin has been the only one).

You all said you’d be cool today.

Goddamnit Dibny.

On that note, the post did say that “But according to TV Line, the show will acknowledge Joe’s absence.”

So do you think they’ll have exposition for the audience saying that he opened up a restaurant in Sante Fe, or that he got evicted because he couldn’t make rent?

No, I was waiting for Rent jokes

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.