I get comments like this a lot when the topic comes up and it always feels reductive. I actually want to take time to address it. The idea that people don’t play through the entire game is really absurd. In order to find tricks, runners and hunters have to play through the game as intended to understand mechanics and…
Use of the Oxford comma can, of course, also create ambiguity. Consider the dedication:
Another point in favor for the “rushed to market even if it wasn’t ready”.
This is what I do! Anytime I hear a racist/sexist/homophobic “joke” I just look at them blankly and say, “I don’t get it.” Asking someone to explain, out loud, the source of their “humor” is usually pretty embarrassing for them. (Well, not the people who revel in their obnoxiousness but those people are unreachable…
If the idea of removing a poop from a reusable diaper grosses you out, then just
use the disposable onesdon’t have kids.
This really just makes the Switch seem incredibly incomplete, at least where its software and online support is concerned.
It could have been good, if it would have kept some of the cool imagery of the games, but not tried to replicate the stupid story.
Okay, I’m gonna step in here and defend fan creators a little.
They... actually do have that right, and some creators absolutely have pressured fanfiction to be purged from sites.
you go to a junior collenge
Why does it matter when Femshep is Canon and Tali isnt bisexual.
That’s true, but that’s why punching upward works and punching down doesn’t.
I think the other games are all better than Trails in the Sky FC, which I find is incredibly overrated in some parts. The only part of the first game that I think stands out is talking to the townspeople—the other parts of the game I found to be generally of average quality.
Polygon’s Monster Factory series by two of the McElroy brothers just did a two part episode with Spore. That show is hilarious and probably has something to do with this.
The word kaffir is a racist slur and the appropriate substitution for this plant is ‘makrut.’ That said, why should I waste money on the leaves when there are 2 makrut lime plants growing in my yard? It’s funny when white folk discover stuff that half the world have been using for centuries.
Let me just clear something up, since I know a lot of people have been speculating about our motives behind this story. We didn't publish this story because of a silly insult or because Bethesda wouldn't comment on a rumor. We published it because they misled people and discredited my reporting. If Arkane had given a…