
You found a place to begin! But no, you’re still wrong. It maybe caters to “whales,” which I guess is defined as someone who would pay $100 for a video game (I’m sure you post this same comment on every “Check out this new $250 collector’s edition!!!!” Kotaku post, right?)

but the idea that charging money for something

The idea that Snap is unfairly monetized is one of the most bizarre gaming opinions that somehow became mainstream. Every other mobile games sells multiple packs for tens, *hundreds* of dollars, almost always lootboxes and all of it pay-to-win. Selling pure cosmetics, no randomness involved, is always what Gamerz say

Ah, yes. A retranslation that interprets every Japanese expletive, which are much closer to “damn,” and “hell,” in practice, as “shit” and “FUCKING MOTHERFUCKER.”

Classic 90s edgelord stuff. Disappointing that a bunch of talented actors had this script to work with.

How long would the pole have to be for you to touch this film

As someone who plays gacha games, people complaining about a mobile game that charges $10/month for a bunch of optional aesthetic stuff is ... pretty funny.

Even compared to Hearthstone this is basically pennies.

I don't know about any of this, but I do know that Alanis Morrisette is a perfect goddess who has never done wrong so SOMEBODY done fucked up

This looks ... horrible

There will be “natural pathways into moments of levity,” he said, particularly with Matt Smith as Daemon.”

Oh my god, of COURSE they got the substack asshole to be their PR person. Of course they did.

She ... looks like Peach. Am I taking crazy pills??? PEACH LOOKS LIKE PEACH.

Of course, once you start digging into Zelda timelines, a migraine is never far away.”

That’s because the concept of unified Zelda multiverse is a silly retcon hack and it doesn’t really make sense.

Ugh. Really disappointed we won’t have an in-person event. The online events are just not the same. But totally understand the move all the same.

It’s never gonna be a part of the zeitgeist again but yes, it's still extremely popular and extremely profitable. There's a reason why it's still around and ever other similar game died immediately.

Ted Cruz is a massive piece of shit but “occasionally buy $20 worth of stuff” is not a whale

“The predation didn’t trap *me*, so it’s totally fine!”

really, really disappointing.

This seems ... okay. I’m a big fan of Brode and been looking forward to seeing what his team was going to do. Not gonna lie, I’m a little disappointed it ended up just being another CCG.

Furthermore, something about the UI in Marvel games bugs the hell out of me. I know it’s meant to look like a comic book but it’s

Facebook has lost users, though — people *are* leaving, and even more than that, people spend a *lot* less time on it.

I’m not saying this one thing absolutely provably means Twitter is dead, but the past is littered with social media platforms that were too big to fail. Why would I ever leave Friendster, all my best

Sorry, but Mastodon is just not a replacement for what I use Twitter for. It’s basically just Discord with a Twitter UI — great if you already have a community, terrible for stumbling upon new, interesting people, ideas, etc.

Also I will never use a product where posts are called “toots,” it’s just not gonna happen.

The Chrono Cross remaster is fine, just bare-bones.

The FF9 game was not listed as a “remaster,” which already exists, but a fully fledged Remake. Like, FF7 Remake style.

Needless to say that’s very hard to buy, and yet so far every other thing on the leak has been proven true.

Do not count on companies to preserve these games. Download the ROMs and ISOs, dump your own, back them up.