
Appropriated Wokeness

It wore on me. And I really wanted to just enjoy what he was trying to do.

Is there anything legitimately original about Katy Perry and her music? She only makes her bland songs more intolerable by trying too hard to be edgy.

He has collaborated with Chance and RZA. Effectively so.

As someone who has met the man, I can tell you, he's as complicated as his persona.

Kanye is 15 years into his career and has yet to produce an album that wasn't influential or at minimum very good. If you believe Kanye "sucks at all times" you must live in a very limited binary world of boredom.

Yo bro dude. Bro, this dude doesn't think it's cool that it took getting some dough from some gay dudes to convince you we are all the same bros ya know. LOL

The assaults are enough to make me hate this man, but when coupled with his never ending self righteousness, it makes me hate this man so much.

Their fan base is aging, naturally, but I am not sure it makes me feel any better about things because many of these people only see music through the spectrum of Phish. I have had Phish friends tell me that LCD Soundsystem suck because it's all electronic samples. They wouldn't even give them a chance, because James

I have been to over 20 phish shows. My last one in 2010, simply because it was a festival, and my brother had never seen them, and he demanded we go. It was painful to stand there and take in my 749th live version of suzie greenberg and pretend the lyrics weren't embarrassing and childish.