Wet Pet


Not a Millenial, but I agree. My iPhone and iPad would need to be saved. I use cookbooks mostly to supplement what I find online.

More seriously, though - the medieval knights don't seem to be very aggressive or coordinated. Take the first fight, couldn't the knights have swarmed the Jedi from all sides, and overwhelm his with numbers?

It's so dense. Every phalanx has so much going on.

It's the Rush isn't it? That was just a step too far. If they'd gone with Panama or Back in Black or something, we wouldn't have the backlash.

Answering the important questions:

Thank you. I don’t think I ever clicked on that one before. Of course, it would have been “Hey, what’s Mycroft doing there?”

In character as Malcom Tucker? Please?

Looks like WWI though (one viewing on iPhone). Wouldn’t that be the wrong timeframe for The Brigadier?

This makes me think it won’t be very funny.

I'll worry about suicidal security robots when OCP releases the ED-209.

Damn. Teach me not to read the thread first. Feel free to down vote me to oblivion.

But who among us hasn't really embarrassed themselves in front of Jeff Goldblum?

Actually, when I asked earlier if anyone was expecting an ambush, I actually meant a Lannister ambush, since J&C had discussed her landing at Dragonstone earlier, therefore expecting her there, and given how fluid time seems….


Was anyone else expecting an ambush at Dragonstone? Just me?

I really liked his work in Tucker. I unapologetically love that movie.

Any story where either half of the couple must leave a long term relationship/marriage to be with the person. Those stories piss me off to no end.

What are you trying push on us?

Ok, so let’s assume it’s set in the late 80’s. The album visuals were always cool, but let’s assume he won’t be wearing a Hold Your Fire t-shirt.