Wet Pet

Yay! Whovian is back!

God that ‘When She Loved Me’ kills me every time. Up there when Sully says goodbye to Boo.

Never ask for directions in Wales, Baldrick.

Did you turn it off and on again?

Raised in Southern Ontario. Married a Quebecer and moved to Quebec.

“Doctor Who! You’re a dead man!”

A lazy and predictable form of content

Now that’s a name I’ve not heard…

I really hope that one of the two thousand cool things is that it’s so dense, with every frame having so much going on.

I scrolled back through the whole thread and couldn’t find the contribution from @Whovian.

Old news is old!

Yeah that's a bad way to make it seem like you're not Stupid Manchurian Candidate.

Now, favourite Star Wars memory? Before the dark times, before the Special Editions, the campus film club held a marathon screening of the three movies. Seeing all these people as in to Star Wars, when it used to be just my nerdy friends that I could count on two hands was awesome. There were times when it almost

My family went to Boston in '78 for reasons I don't remember. I do remember getting an Obi-Wan action figure.

Really? The picture I saw had Bibi and his wife standing stoically.

Not to give Trump any benefit of the doubt:

I remember during the campaign that there was vlogger who broke down how Trump speaks, and how shrewd his use of language and sentence structure seemed to be. How he seemed to have figured out how to get his message across. Wish I could find it now.

He can score a lot of points by saying something like "I'm flattered, but that job needs a smart, experienced and committed public servant. I'll throw my full support behind whoever meets that bill in 2020, no matter the party."

Awesome essay. I don't think we'll ever understand the layers of depression. The best advice to everyone is to talk and listen unironically and love each other.

It is a universe that could be explored. Lots of interesting ideas there.