
another gag, the moleman who has seen all the server racks…his ID looks like a Billy Zobatka picture from karate kid. He's been down there a long time.

not for nothing, but King Ecbert would never let this happen. If he had a similar crazy bastard son situation.

shitty bridges, shitty sons.

I lied.

we do not sow.

wait, so we have seen Euron Greyjoy before (on the Newbie side)?

yeah, well, fuck that guy then.

wow. just wow, dirk gently? what? To the cloud!

yeah, you're right. I thought they were in cahoots or something.

it was easy. Roose…with that sunuvabitch bastard of his…should never be alone with him.

It was good to see Roose fucking get it. Recall the speech about how the gods have special plans for those who murder guests.

this guy..it's that guy. Wow, he has been around forever and in everything.

your first two paragraphs were a transparent attempt to recreate the May God Have Mercy on Your Soul speech with some shit you cobbled together from the Net. If you are in law, then may God have mercy on your soul and the bank that lent you your student loan.

The end of the video is interesting. We could use this in place of Farman's account to determine when the RHCP went from playful aggressive guys to "uhhh…step away from the lady, you're scaring us" to "call 911".

wow, you are mean. You go from insult to insult without putting a thought into it. I guess you're just a hateful misandrist. You can dish it but you can't take it.

uh huh. I'll skip the first two paragraphs.

I assume that at some point, you were attracted to a guy. I guess part of the give and play between the sexes is finding out what's inside the box versus what's on the label.

why not care, this is all fascinating.


this is actually a good point.