
I get it, you're being snarky. nice.

"you've been selected as the target for their entitlement"

Usually, the gays are pretty down with real talk and frank discussions about sexual natures. You must be a real hit at Data Lounge, a real Debbie Downer.

I can understand SMK being stupid. Like it was written in a cab ride. But I assume it was fresh in 1991. For me tho, Areoplane is fun.

Suck My Kiss was off of BSSM. So, it's older. I mean, yeah, it's about sex. But rapey?

it's funny having the intersectionality and tolerance brigade call me queer (or a bro) at my first comments.

So what? What's your point? All your decent AVC comments are pretty quick to go homophobic insult.

you weird losers can't have a discussion without first resorting to various insults.

lesbian bed death aficionado says what?

you're the cocksucker.

I thought about a bunch of replies. I'm just wondering about the proportion of red pill shamers who are also, in their own way, Rotherham enablers. Or cops who looked the other way at Cologne NYE Taharaush attacks.

too much Lifetime. I don't know, personally, I've never hit on anyone at work bc of the nature of my jobs. But, since real female sexuality finds dominant men attractive, this all smells of bullshit.

nicer commentators? Every nice person here has gone straight to insult instead of talking about the actual Farman article.

Just baffling. I guess being unable to coherently talk about ideas without ad hominem attacks leads people to a weird conflation of insults. I'm guessing small penis proportionate to being pro-rape is supposed to be based on, uh, let's see…*. Rape is because of power bc small dick and, of course, not too much

fair enough. neither does farman.

and yet they fucked thousands of girls per year for two decades. You may want them to be rapey because their lyrics are sexual braggadocio and that makes you sad, but it's not what happened. Girls loved them, girls were their groupies. Get over it. Girls like aggressive guys. In the world (notice there's no

I guess it's unpopular to think that men have rights, but that's just me.

God forbid anyone gets between a woman and her feelings.

oh I thought about. I determined it's a bullshit story. I just wrote above, notice the evasive wording. "pressed up against me" which can mean anything, come deposition for a libel trial, eh? Because that's the point, she wants to make this a harrowing tale. But she can't come out and say I was nearly raped by

It's really self explanatory. reading is fundamental.