
yeah, this was funny. *chirp*

I thought the show was more popular. huh. Oh well, MSW goes into the non-reviewed-by-AVclub bin along with Suits and whatever else it is I watch.

His episode-ending graduation from his terrible college beer to mediocre, drinkable beer is a fun and creative way to mark the change, and is the kind of honest, but less commonly presented milestone Man Seeking Woman embraces.

This: "Fred’s dealing with the fact that he’s spent a lot of time on this planet and doesn’t have much to show for it beyond a closet full of Apple peripherals."

I guess there's hope for this series if the source material took time to consider the implications of the set-up. Otherwise, the previews made it felt like some network exec wanted to recreated the bromance from Supernatural. "Hey, this Crowly guy is charming, let's get one of those!"

for what it's worth, in Bland Man, Cecily looked like a twin of one of the recent bachelorettes in the bachelor and took to twitter to show solidarity with the poor, doomed, crazy Lace…who she imitated in Bland Man. If you're forced to watch the Bachelor, you'd find BlandMan sketch funny.

my bad.

I don't get the reviewer's response to the lyrics, it sounds like any number of system is bad, we're gonna die songs

my bad. It does sound pretty good. You worry a metal album by, ahem, veterans (elderly) would be lame.

and then start deleting comments too.

even here, controlling immigration to help the working man in the USA was something lefties were on board with. But now, apparently it gives them a sad-boner.

I can't believe the admin is cowardly going around deleting comments. The AVclub can dish it but can't take it. As I said below, something is "controversial" if it gives libs a sad.

you seem angry. Your retort ('stupid') was worthless, not much to work with. You should see someone about these deficiencies.

tell it to cologne

well, I've seen some of his videos from early 2000's and before and it was the usual mismash of "I'm confused" politics. Immigration is a hot button issue simply because it's another weapon used by progressives (anything progs oppose is, by definition "controversial") to destroy western civ and even a Bush Lied type

an on-demand top ten list. I guess it was more of a preview…check your on-demand channels…

I caught the best of episode and some of the scenarios were pretty funny. Ppl with big dreams given their big chance to be on TV watch as their dreams are toyed with like a cat with a mouse.


reading the AVclub's thoughtful and uh, I don't even know…straightforward/tongue in cheek…review is itself an exercise in absurdity. "And then Mike and Josh's combined cum stains formed a child that represents their humanity…blah blah blah" It's great. MSW is so absurd that it defies actual reviewing. The

what, no pride+prejudice+zombies?