
Well from what little I remember of the 70's the shit's spot on what life was like. Free range kids, living the dream, running from the mean big kids.

it's true The ubiquitous old tube TV's had several magnet related weak points. The electron beam that fired at the screen could be manipulated. Furthermore, the phosphors in the lead glass seemed to get screwed up via a powerful enough magnet. I don't think the electronics themselves were weak enough to die from a

needs to be renewed. Amazing stylized surreal vision that they've accomplished.

settle down, beavis. All the stuff I'm noticing, FWIW, is stuff from that last 15 years.

well, it may have been rushed but it felt like the rest of the episode and other episodes this season felt so dense.

I thought they were going to cut to another hanging, like they did to Reality. Only this time to PC principal.

“The only way to win this war is to be as understanding, non-biased, and politically correct as possible,” PCP tells the kids, prompting Stan to look sideways to Kyle. “This is gonna be really hard,”

read somewhere that hops were sort of estrogenetic…so yeah watch out,sound like a sex change in a bottle.

he popped on last year to be Doctor Evil in opening sketch but he was so rough, like he was unable to even do his own character. Like a roommate doing doctor evil.

I have to find it, but I won't…cracked or someone had a point that the movie ended too soon. That the movie's finale should have been in act I or something. I concur in part because the fight against the weirdo in the home was so … odd. Dunn struggled. Is he strong? We needed more payoff.

personal safety-obsessed xenophobia

The exchange between Jimmy and Leslie also had shades of Ex Machina andAkira. Did anyone think it was parodying a specific scene from any of the aforementioned films?

On the plus side for Nina, she's apparently got big ass feet…being a former skier. But on the negative, as we see from the preview, they're probably fucked up from skiing.


Vernon did the best pretend drunk guy I've seen on TV. I've known that guy…well…his younger version.

"I just thought that the idea in the song was that people are letting these sort of outward signifiers stand in for real kinds of rebellion, and isn’t that silly? But if I were in academia, I would say that it wound up sort of reifying the more superficial elements, which was very bizarre."

Very nice review. I guess it was a pretty dense episode, aside from dunleavy getting killed off.

"If you tell the same story five times, it's true"

well, your being able to tell things is a barrier to entry.

yeah, that read wrong. wasn't my point. whatever.