
you pc, bro? Go back to your safe space.

nah, I was light on the Reagan stuff. It was, in the end, more of an analysis of the scene and the reaction thereto. For some reason, the show has been building up to this. I don't know why.

episode felt kinda light….
Father Brah was great.

a poor choice to leave a capable adversary alive with an oh so personal revenge bucket list to come back at you. As someone said below, better to have a redshirt deliver the head.

speaking of boobs, Peg's outfit was fun.


To quote:



elevator line was from X-4.

I wonder if the reviewer missed Frank's motivation. Remember, the bad guys in WWII, the USA are tricking its red and pacifist scientists into building a bomb…just like how 1000 years later in Aliens we go after the weaponization of the aliens…because we wuv weapons. Frank realized he'd been tricked into thinking the

that's cool that the members of DD were big bond fans.

I mean, I'm trying to figure that out. The Coen's, you know?

Getting it right: "based on last week’s [supernatural] episode—that was way better than it had any right to be"



and then she'll be the mom of tara reid from big lebowski

and then she'll be the mom of tara reid from big lebowski

Cool, I didn't catch that. I assumed, when we focused on Diner's clock, it was broke.

and he's still going…with extra anti-Israel BS