
hahaha…right? I found my Nortons Anthology of English Literature and there it is, "In 1971, irony was invented by Leon Uris in his novel QB VII."

Patrick Wilson's staredown with the Gearhearts was great. I like that line about UFO's being the cause of all the trouble. What are the odds that we actually have some stupid ass aliens this season?

yeah, Skip wasn't just buried alive, he was crushed to death by boiling hot aspalt and soon thereafter crushed by the steam roller as the asphalt was laid down.

Nixon's line about peace w honor…I think Mike is a bit of a Nixon fan, ironic or not…I don't think they had irony like Gen X did in the 70's … but he is a murderer, so who knows. My point is, he also does Nixon's crook line too. (of course, I realize that the ppl who write the show may be terrible libs who think

wasn't there a FNL sub plot of landry killing a guy in defense of another sweet heart?

wow, this does sound kind of cool in concept…and sounds like something that, in execution, will be a dumb ass CGI inbred fuckfest.

I think it was necessary for the show to execute reality and it be presented in the uncomfortable way it was. For the millenials, people who don't need safe spaces and trigger warnings got it already.

we need to collect the lyrics to the diss-track. All I could catch is "I hate you like white people love the wire"

wasn't sure if it were rape sounds or rage sounds.

Also, best line was about "do you want to be in this house when Edgar's starts whooping in virginal delight after entering a woman for the first time in years?" Whatever it was he said, it was brilliant.

I recall the scene in the Simpsons where Homer meets the Ad guy responsible for those Dockers ads.

this is pretty much my new favorite show and I want there to be more, much more…like CSI levels of more. Can we do that?

right, this is very Hot Tub Time Machine 2 here. He could be his own grandparent or clone!

I get the feeling that Nick Offerman is in some way John Goodman's uncle or grandparent or something…

lolz I think I was mocking the av club writer who thought this was novel

I want more millenial-abuse.

wow, it is something for SNL to bravely decide to target GOP candidates and hawk for the predetermined corporate choice

Come to think of it, if you have a girl who is down to go down…maybe that puddle's her saliva.

Brought to the water…very nice sound.

the idea that taco loves cornhole was brilliant. and a touch of midwesternism. Is it me or was gibiatti played by someone else in an earlier episode. I guess I think ken marino should play two characters on the show.