
my godamn dvr, apparently I missed all the microwave sperm drama!

Slate is oddly attractive in the weird way we judge our betters based on their minuscule faults. Anyway…her little squeak she gave at one point. Wow. just wow. too cute.

he's probably in talks with his agent for years trying to do a feline version of Wilfred.

"fans of offbeat detective stories and/or Bill Pullman may recognize her as the enigmatic romantic lead of the fantastic Zero Effect."
Kim Dickens, folks.
This is why I like the AVclub. You appreciate Zero Effect. Joanie Stubbs! I watched gone girl before reading the book, so I was shocked that Boney was supposed to

I hope the season finale has a flarshback of Fet's early days in rat academy.

Gus is stunning and courageous.

Matt and Trey did good creating their canadian race and culture. the alphabet was brilliant way to tie up years of canadianisms.

at least the pope and south park have absolved the European migrancy that ended up doing the jobs that native americans were too lazy to do.

Based on what the episode was saying, Mexico's own harsh immigration laws and southern fence is the cause of their poverty. I've been told we need illegals here because regular americans are too lazy to do jobs they can do. Obviously the same goes for Mexico and the loss of all the Hondurans and Guatemalans they are

yeah but the canadians leave…thats where this falls apart.

well, I'm no big city lawyer…but what he did was called hearsay. or not. I don't know.

"The Strain is just plain lazy sometimes." Word.

listening to the PC thugs go on and on about yadda yadda historically underserved whatevers made me think of how delightful it would be for Palmer to have told Eph in the Strain that he was helping the vampires because they were a traditionally underserved and persecuted minority throughout history.

what about the reveal that will forte is one of the off-site league members? That's new right?

impastor never really got off the ground. You'd think a con man would pick up a book and figure out what it is his congregation did, you know? Oh, lutherans believe in X, do Y, say Z. Also, the first few episodes gave impastor a charmed life, like he was destined to end up in that small town. But it all fell apart

just IM3 and dude where's my car. I was quoting the AV club nerd. My input "was good"

nah, this awesome sauce. The 10000 piece puzzle, the authentic mexican food! The spiral fucking eyes!

Basically, this is the greatest movie ever made.

Something should be done with the family plan cell phone guy monologue. It means something, man!

that fucking marble sketch, man!