
come on, that guy from SNL as Sandler's kid? How could that not be gold?

I know, right?

oh yeah, as Stannis marches on Winterfell, I want the Bolton's heads to end up on spikes…but knowing what a hard-on the author has for sad-endings, I guess Stannis has played his role by bringing Snow to Hardhome to rescue the free folk.

Jon Snow's "prettier than my two daughters…but can fight. He's young, but he's a leader". Damn. Jon Snow may know nothing but he's still a force.

I mean have people actually seen blended? It's pretty cute. A nice companion piece to 50 first dates which was nice too. Sort of like Matt MCconnegygy and Kate Hudson returning to the romcom well together in Fool's Gold.

wow, ok, 1 minute….I get their point.

funny, I was listening to St. Anger recently and found it good. Death Magnetic was the one where they mixed it all "loud" and was unlistenable.

We need another Vietnam to thin out their ranks a little

rewatched original Poltergeist and the thing's a masterpiece. Thankless job, eh?

did they show the controversial time when Anton Fig bit the head off of a bird?

and at the boarding line, a zuckerburg bros background scene as a wife tries to wake husband and slowly starts having to start smacking him awake. because he's dead, get it?

That's the Punisher with the guy from the Wire? Where Punny twirled on a chandelier and shot a crime family? Felt a wee bit cartoony.

I'm glad things are finally going his way

good, I enjoyed the first Reacher movie. Sure, Ray Stevenson would be a better Jack Reacher, but whatever it's about time Cruise got to do a role just because he decided he should do it. I like rooting for the underdog…

Their tonight show appearance showed they are pretty gutsy, doing a pretty hard, weird number (the one with the lilting piano bit during the refrain) and still sound good. Although, fuck, they old.

Finally, SoCal report is so baller. I feel that sometimes I haven't been gangster enough of a viewer because that sketch can be pretty sick.

Keenan is awesome. I don't care that Sudekis left, I want more and more What's Up With That.

it's true, while watching Che butcher lines earlier in Update, I said outloud, "where's Riblet?"

don't watch the show but had to see what made this allegedly hit show get an F…

good point. I think my eyes glazed over when I read that part of the review to make me miss the point (enter high school stomp play lesson on being too quick to judge).
I still think D is harsh, man.