
I laughed. As far as recurring sketches go, the sanctimonious high school play made up of future AV club writers made me laugh each time.
So, totally a bad grade here. B plus or better.
I guess the draw mohammed sketch which burnt up twitter was the ultimate PC no-no earning the sanctimonious D for the episode. Genius

puking potions, right?

"Just make us look cool"

" I will quote you warmly and accurately."

The political class does believe that everything is personal but "Karl Rove" is not a member of that team. I've met people before that spit out "Karl Rove" at random intervals but that was in 2004.

I guess it was a good Mike Judge F-you to various liberal arts majors bitching about lack of girls in tech or in shows about tech…in which the girl programmer bitches that she does not consider herself a girl engineer. She doesn't want the special Lifetime Movie treatment, so screw you for making everyone

Unmemorable Cameos? Yeah, saw them on the side stage at Summer Fest back in '97.

ok, the rom com thing was funny. But this episode sux. I would have liked to see ScarJo's vocal talent on SoCal Report instead of nearly everything else she did. She's pretty baller when it comes to voices.

the internet has ruined us all.

The only other bit player missing would be sheldon's insanely hot sister and drunk-sheldon, who is hilariously what I imagine his dad was like.

This was one of the funnier episodes of TBBT in a while. Leonard's mom just cracks me up. Shit, I think there should be a spinoff movie with Leonard and mom on a road trip as she oozes contempt and disappointment for his oedipal issues.

his book is worth reading to get an idea…an idea

that was what I thought. "ok, bye"

actually, I got it. She was "negging" him. oh louie, you still got it.

but if you tell me Lenny is a professional model, then I am calling BS.

fair enough

yeah, Lenny had some pain. But I still think of him as the kid from Kiss of Death, so fuck him. Also, Rappaport was directed to go really big on his post-gun-loss breaking stuff routine.

nah, my strawman thinks that older white guys like Louie are predatorily buying copper pots to ogle her. She's not that pretty bc she's fucking bug eyed. She's not a hot bartender getting extra tips, a pharma rep taking out ugly male doctors to dinner, or other "traditionally attractive" females in sales role. She's

yeah, that's it with the intro…I felt like it was a scene from Younger in which it's shown that too skinny kids don't need your old ways of selling things, old man. We'll have a show and get a bunch of my friends, who are way cool, to come support my store or something. The owner acts as a sullen wage monkey who is

An *ugly*, young asian clerk (I am reminded of the wife from the Shining). That scene reminded me of the why-lauded why won't you date me, fat girl scene from a while back. Ok, sugar titless, you are 24 and own a store in Manhattan…while the rest of the millennials are sleeping in parent's basements. I don't know