
contrived and asked to swallow a lot. yip, that's about it. popping out of the casket, 50 shades? sure sure, couldn't we get a lesson in bullying from Ecbert too? This plot triggered me.

Deer Hunter is a haunting, awesome movie. I had no idea Cazale died young. Very interesting perspective from AVC.

I think the writers are a little more spiritual than the reviewer. I'd say that Ragnar had a near death experience. That tends to change your views on things. I say that because he had the classic exiting the body experience and I think the white light.

this reminded me of another Shannon movie Take Shelter. Worth watching, especially since the director gets in, gets out and it's pretty good little yarn.

Grand Budapest was good Wes Anderson. But I just saw Darjeeling Limited and I'd say that was better Wes. Less bulky and even more Waspy. Moonrise Kingdom was probably a better big movie than GBH. So there's that.

It was cheap that a major character didn't die during the raid. But we know the spoiler is that it seems rollo is the only real person on the show and as far as I don't know much about his history, I don't think he died in the Siene that day.
My knowledge of the history goes to a few Bernard Cromwell books, so I was

Oh my God.
This list is shit.

The Grey?

oh right telekinesis … that reminds me. Emily Blunt. Yoga Pants. That is why the better time-ish movie is Live Die Repeat

One of the main problems with looper is it sucks upon further review

very empty. very unimpressive, especially when like its near replica in Batman Rises, the plot is held together by antagonists who seem to own crystal balls and a flair for doing too much when their goals are zeero.

Major problem for me was even going to Miller's planet with the time dilation effects from somehow invoking relativity just by being near a black hole. Why go? Why didn't they realize that Miller was suffering from dilation and had only been there about an hour or two based on paucity of messages?

TARS was pretty good, yo. The rectangle with the military demeanor. When it rescued Anne's character, that was very satisfying. CASE was just the ship's computer? I didn't get that.

equal parts funny and devastating…dude, that was a stereotype too. If people are going to get offended (which is the modern way it seems) about Dong jokes and Indian jokes and every fucking thing else, then the white people are less scared of werewolves thing is also a stereotype.

yeah, no fan of Cecily, but she lost weight or something and is looking hawt.

I mean, it was good. I liked Rock turning into Troy Palaomonoloolo in the brogaine sketch. And he had a TOME of the Elders moment during the police interrogation sketch but meh overall. The political writing for the Rock Obie sketch is now just … ugh whatever, almost as bad as Che's rambling on Ted Cruz. Che on

Another Scorpion King sketch (long live the TOME of the Elders) or exculpatory and laudatory Ba-Rock Obama sketch?

the girl in the Carl's eating the fish sandwich is fucking insane (which is what Carl's do) hot.

good call, she's next-door hot. The Wendy's chick is getting all uppity from all the nerd attention she gets.

Does Franz Ferdinand's Take me Out counts?