
she had a sexy gypsy thing going on. I have a suspicion though that her songs were covers from lesser known mid-80's Madonna and Bangles B-side songs, respectively.

Melissa Rauch singing Christmas carols at top volume without a care in the world was great…it reminds me of Kristin Wiig's Finger Lakes Sister.

well, what? they're saving dough by reusing someone's office set for that clean room, right?

huh? So does it rock or not?

The grow a friend sketch is deep, man. The way I see it, Mike grew each friend and upon being challenged by the latest generation (or first generation) grow-a-human built new ones to either give female companionship to the friend or to prove he has other friends in the first place. Or, the females were going to be

that pencil sketch of Jenny and Shiva is Kramer level art.

For some of us non-music nerds who barely know about any city's musical history, this is fun. The episodes could be deeper and still entertaining, so that's good.

This is weighty stuff for a network comedy, but The Big Bang Theory plays it perfectly>>>

just as we thrill to his tiniest victory….

yeah, this was a fun movie even for us youngin's back in the early early 90's.

oh yeah, good point. The freaks in Elsa's show did slaughter a cop. Not so high and mighty, eh?

this show is a mess, it feels like everything done is the first draft, from the writing to the directing to the acting.
Of course, Twisty's demise and second chance(?) was a surprising emotional point, as was the (society is the real freak) regular town folks showing their appreciation.. So, good job there at least.

I am a heavy metal guy but even I know that Drake eats plenty of shit.

or the sketch takes place in the same canon!

Had to look that up. That was some egregious cue card reading from Walken. I mean, yeah, they're similar but Jim Carey is different because his family members are his film characters. I'll allow it.

that, and octopi urine. Was Brian their leader or a pariah, I want to know!

yah? I thought jim and jeff were nice enough at the end, gonna have to watch that again.

Sure Jim sucked the air out of the room, but if you have the confidence to do an exhaustively stupid Helvis (I thought it should have had two "L"s) without missing a beat live (when most hosts can barely stay in form as themselves reading cue cards), well, then run with that insane talent.

I look forward to many thoughtful insights into our economic system.

Watching coven last season, I realized that the open credits are sort of a mini-introduction, microverse (I'm sure there a greek word for it) and I now look for characters in the opening. So I guess the we now know who the guy is with the third leg, the tripod if you will. And the person who switches heads with his