
indeed, two sexy non-speaking roles. How shall I choose?

you, sir, are wrong.
Her best role on WUWT is as the back up dancer.
Her best speaking role?
oof. not the motivational speaker, that's for sure.
It has to be Kim.

the mobster sketch started off strong with a good Scorsese vibe and used every ounce of that goodwill as it went on.
Never watched the Urkel show, but I appreciated the guy from Die Hard's lot in life. Epic make-up win. Also, great coked up hollywood Veep.

how big ARE those large halidron colliders?

Vinnie Vedici always gets me. Too bad they couldn't fit that in, or bring back Lindsay B for WUWT!

see also, total recall. But yeah, Robocop had vision. Verhoevan made that movie. It had a statement.

interesting, they're there to take a pre-existing story that's been rewritten and needs a marketing angle.

wow, great little editorial by an AVclub writer.

if all you have is a hammer, people with screwdrivers will make fun of you. peace out.

which witnesses? Whatever, it's as if 2 months later and no news outlet has bothered to clarify what happened. The myth is more important than the facts (I like how in going back to find the stories that I read, I read other news reports that don't even use the words "front" or "back" in discussing the autopsy. Way

you go pretty far from the idea of an execution to guy picks fight with police, winds up dead.

claim 1, he was executed.
claim 2, uh, I mean there was no struggle.
claim 3, uh, the cop discharged his weapon in the car by accident.
claim 4, while sure Brown reached in the car to assault the office but…he ran away and surrendered.
claim 5, um, while he was facing the cop when shot but if you go to the first

via NYT "The F.B.I., Mr. Bosley said, pressed Mr. Johnson to say how high Mr. Brown’s hands were. Mr. Johnson said that his hands were not that high, and that one was lower than the other, because he appeared to be “favoring it,” the lawyer said."

the officer just happened to fire a shot inside his own car for no reason.

hey, the manatees pick the references, you take it up with them.
Go, Redskins!

Go Redskins!

yup, straight up premeditated, unprovoked murder which is not trolling at all. You state they 'left' the body there to insinuate that it was a disrespectful dumping of body, possibly as a warning to other innocent black people in the area to not be black. I don't detect any acknowledgement that during those 4 hours,

those of us who heard witnesses claim he was shot in the back feel the autopsy showing he was show front on say otherwise. Whatever. Fine the autopsy prove that Brown was killed in cold blood by another white rayciss cop who shot Brown simply because he was black.
Again, I am not trolling, I am against the reviewers

duh huh. So two votes for Brown's death being a sign of the times or whatever. And whatever point the reviewer was making by dropping this turd in the middle of the review was totes justified (were there even any blacks in episode 1?).

yeah, she's like some of the older beerwenches in the danker taverns in charm city.