
"I like you cause you like to get buzzed in the afternoon"
This is a happy movie. Good choice.

Louie was a humorless, expressionless cipher….where even his mom called him boring.

Skipp Sudduth, Mr. Hoffman. That's an acting career…Ray from Ronin and now a science teacher! An acting career arching two decades!

This episode also had the best preview of the upcoming episode.
Not only does Lester go and say hi to Malvo, he apparently goes full bore and … what? Wants to party? become an Arya to Malvo's Hound?
Also, the closing shot on Malvo…the back of his head. That was great. It was building up anticipation, the anticipation

maybe the whole episode was a weird Don Draper dream, what with the Cooper dance number and Meagan all of the sudden calling it quits. Because these numbers are crazy. $221M for 51% of that PR firm?

I think they openly state that Cas is a tribute to Constantine

I took it from Brad Pitt as Achilles in Troy.

It is interesting, as I came into the show missing the first, I dunno, six seasons. There's a pattern for this season: my girlfriend who's been watching since the beginning says "oh, that's so and so from season whatever, she's cool." Then, that character gets killed.

totally, Louie's lovable loser schtick is great TV. But that Louie doesn't enjoy the success that cut-throat hungry Louie enjoys in the real world.

or, let's respond in another way, let's have a dialogue. What discussion would make you happy? I will try to use my words in a pleasant and soothing manner while using the best logic and reasoning I have available.

I mean, really. Reread whatever it was you posted.
Step 1. Wow, just wow comment. (omg he said butthurtz)
Step 2. awkward jump to some insane conclusion (beaker comment)
step 3. the ubiquitous "I'm smart, u no smart" conclusion.
The original fat butthurt cat-herding chick deleted her comment. This little

so deep. The chick was pissed that I don't like seeing Lena Dunham or something and said she bet I was fat.
Women in a beaker? Every woman's magazine I see is a guide for attracting men. In this episode, Louie's a little depressed he's too fat to get a non-fat girl. So, yeah, the battle of the sexes is real.


yeah, what can you do, I veered off into sexual politics stuff. I just recall that louie got divorced as his first show was taking off. You know, when he hit the big time. You think he's sitting in a crappy NYC apt feeling sorry for himself?

yeah, that was the thing that led to the bang bang feast. Louie and bro being basically invisible to all the fit and fine ladies around them. Well, as invisible as bright white fat guys can be.

well, you know, some people meet that someone and get fat together. But if you haven't met someone, being fat is a hindrance. Cause as Louie points out, then people feel like they're settling. Like this is the best I can do. dammit.

Well, there are football coaches, teachers, and Hollywood directors. Especially the directors.

bet you're a fat butthurt female.

I disagree about the ecstasy of the bang-bang meal. It's an act of self-hatred and self-immolation. Well, to Louie it is, who knows he should be embarrassed.
I didn't get any of the joy when watching it. I mean obviously the first bites were tasty buffet food. But first bites disappear in the rear view mirror as

Sober uncle called and agreed that the sketch was lame.